New to this site but not new to achalasia!!!!
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I started with achalasia nearly 10 years ago (on my 24th birthday). I lost 4 stone in 3 months...the only good part of this illness!! Ha Ha! My consultant at my local hospital performed the laprascopic hellers procedure which I thought had solved everything until 2 days after I left hospital. I got up on the morning and had a drink and then the pain hit. I ended up rushed back into hospital and was told that I had perforated and that my gullet had come away from my stomach. I ended up back in theatre for hours and came round covered in tubes etc. Even after this the achalasia was no better.
I eventually was referred to a surgeon in Newcastle who I have to say is the best surgeon in the world!!! He decided no further operations and to try the balloon dilatation. This worked instantly and I was able to eat within 24 hours. I now have an endoscopy every year in order to keep an eye on it. I have had 3 more dilatations since my first one in 2002 but am happy to say that my last one was in January 2007 and my gullet is still working well at the moment.
I had to have a further operation last year as I developed an incisional hernia but my brilliant surgeon dealt with this straightaway.
The only bad ongoing problem that I have is the constant heartburn and the fact that I have put a load of weight back on however my achalasia is currently under control so can live with this.
Just thought that I would share my achalasia experience with you and would be interested to hear your stories.
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what was your consultant called in newcastle.i have a 2nd opinion there in june. iits good to hear the newcastle team are sorting you.i hope they can help me when i see them in june to sort out my chronic pain that ive had for 9 months post op.
Sorry didn't answer sooner, having been on internet.
My consultant is Professor XXXXX at the RVI and he is fantastic!!! So too are all of his team. Wouldn't go to any other hospital now.
Hope you get sorted in June!!!
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I am having the balloon dilation on 1st July - my GP says I will be very sore after it and will still only be able to eat liquidised food for a while.
Then he said I must start eating more solid food to keep the oesophagus open or it will close completely! This is extremely scary and not the sort of advice and encouragement I have read from other members on this site. If you have experience of dilations please can you reassure me - or at least say it helps a bit.
Mant Thanks