New to this site! Stomach pain :(

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Hi Everyone! I'm new to this website but hoping someone may have answers for me. For the past week now I have had stomach pain. It started as a gnawing burning feeling and for the past couple days has just been a constant ache. Some days I am bloated and constipated and others I have no problems going. I should mention I also have pretty bad anxiety which doesn't help. My boyfriend was out of town with no way to communicate which is why I believe this flared up. He is back in town but I have not gotten much better. I had Hpylori two years ago and was just retested but the results were negative! Does anyone know what this may be? I'm so tired of being in constant pain sad

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14 Replies

  • Posted

    Keep a food diary and if no better after a week see your doctor.  If you symptoms flared up after anxiety and you have bloating and constipation, it might be IBS.
  • Posted

    Goodness, your symptoms sound very similar to mine. When was the last time you had an endoscopy? It might be gastritis.
    • Posted

      Oh I had one back in highschool so it's been about 8 years ago now. I didn't have ulcers just an inflamed esphogus is what they told me. I have heard many different things now I'm thinking it may be IBS sad

  • Posted

    Hi Taylor,

    Is It your entire tummy or a particular side?

    it could be an infection or lack of fruit and water in your diet, either way, I would see your doctor.

    I have a friend who had similar problems and she ended up needing her gal bladder out and is occasionally still constipated but she is bad when she doesn't use fruit or probiotics .  Or use enemas to relieve pressure when it becomes extreme 

    good luck

    either way, always protect yourself and get professional help.

    good luck


  • Posted

    Is the pain in the top center of your stomach? If you feel burning and pain it could be gall stones I just had my gallbladder removed. Go see your doctor. My gallstone was the size of a large cherry and I have been having those symptoms for years until I just couldn't handle it anymore. Hope you feel better.

    • Posted

      Yikes! I'm sorry you had to go through thatsad my pain seems to be around my belly button and lower though. I ended up going to the hospital last night because it was radiating down my legs and I just felt really scared. They said my tests were normal just low sodium in my blood work which hasn't been an issue in the past. The doctor told me he thinks it's just a lot of acid pressing down on there and I was given Omperezole and Zofran along with Morphine for the pain and this "Cocktail" drink to numb my stomach. It seemed to help. I have an appointment with the family doctor this Thursday. I think it may be IBS and I'm just having a flare up but I'm not for sure sad

    • Posted

      How do they test for that?! I now have my period and the pain has eased up. Can periods cause that much pain before hand?! 😧
  • Posted

    Hi Taylor

    Its a common issue to link digestive problems to your anxiety when in fact your anxiety can cause alot of stomach and health issues. What is the main cause of your anxiety? Is it work related? 

    • Posted

      Yes I know that all too well! Most of the doctors I've seen have told me this is all anxiety related and I agree! I was having a lot of stress at work and found that the job I had just wasn't a right fit for me so I am unemployed right now in the process of finding a new job! But yes most of my anxiety seems to be related to work or my health

  • Posted

    Hi Taylor

    Good luck with the doctor this week. We know that stress impact the body through the intestinal tract, 95% of your serotonin is produced in your gut wall, delivered from your gut to the rest of your body. Only 5% of that serotonin exists in your brain at any given time. Stress is processed through the gut. When the stress impacts your gut it dries out your intestinal tract and you get constipated. This then leads to it own set of issues especially around the lympathic system. As the lympathic system has no way to excrete toxin from the body it important to figure out how this is done. This can be achieved trhough deep diaphragmatic  breathing, your diet, reducion of stress as tocuhed on above.  Have you ever completed a health history and walked it through with anyone? In a lot of cases people focus on healing the symptom but never focus on the core issue causing the symptom. The way you think and what you focus on the way you eat what you put into your body along with family history are areas you could really start to look at first. 

    • Posted

      Thank you for the response! I haven't really walked through my health history with anyone I'll have to suggest that to my doctor. I do go to counseling for my anxiety so that definitely helps and she knows a lot about my issues as well. We are going to get into some emdr I think it's called to really get to the root of my issues so I'm hoping that will help a lot also. I should probably readjust my diet as well because I am not the healthiest eater so I'm sure that would be helpful. I just like chocolate too much 😀

    • Posted

      Hi Taylor

      Best of luck with your doctor and your councseling. Most people would not bother to get counseling so pat on the back to you. If you need further help on a health history or someone to walk you through one do reach out. Tak ecare. 

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