Newbe here, Symptoms just started please help
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Hello, just want to say I'm so glad i found this site and its so nice to see people supporting each other.
Two weeks ago i was perfectly fine. This week i feel like a different person! The flushes have started and happening every 30 minutes, it is making me so depressed & miserable from lack of sleep. Just so frequent that it takes over my whole day. My FHS level was 81.1 on Wednesday and i have an appointment on Monday to review the results.
I am 42, have 3 children and a supportive husband and feel like the strong woman I usually am has gone.
Has anyone got any advice on what's best to discuss with my gp.
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marlene21102 jopat1
No1 thing I'd not let dr do straight away is put you on meds for meno,go the Vit root first ,natural stuff for flushes look on line ,Jay comes up with good tips to try go take a look .Meds last resort,as this is what the only thing they can prescribe to menopause ,or HRT but eventually you have to come off them ,ask females in your family what they took or done if they had bad menopause ,there be only to willing to share info,this site and others are proof to that.women help other women.
Hang in there.Dont get fobbed off,at any time,stick to your guns only you know how your in UK or outside .Age and location helps on always put that up.xx
annieschaefer jopat1
The women on this site are incredible and very helpful. I remember when I first started having symptons, my doctor (I am in the US) put a HRT patch on me, while I was uncontrollably weeping, couldn't even speak about all my symptons (bring a written list just in case you need to hand it to the doctor) and for 8 days I believed I would be all better. Didn't work out that way, so I found a different doctor and with list of issues in hand we have tried a few different things to help alleviate some issues.
Start with your biggest concerns and if you feel like the gp isn't listening, find another.
Also there is a wonderful lady on here, Jay who has a wealth of info to offer and I have found many of her suggestions to be incredibly helpful.
Most of all, remember as difficult as it might be to believe right now, these feelings and issues are temporary and you are still the strong woman you always have been,even though right now it doesn't seem so. This will all pass, just not quick enough as we would like! Big hugs to you!
kathy8894 jopat1
I know how you feel about 2 weeks everything has changed and i really hate the person i have become but i truly feel like i have no control over it!! I try put i am moody and cry over such silly things. My gp was no help just said its all part of peri and not much you can do!! It is really hard being a woman sometimes and i just wish i could be my old self. if by chance your gp gives you good advice please let me know- tahnks kathy
marlene21102 jopat1
One tip ,if you ever feel anxiety. ( that can keep you house bound for a bit ) and don't want to go out for exercise. Next bests things are in meno anxiety for indoor exercise is walk up and down your stairs as brisk as you can. And purchase exercise bike. Or a mini trampoline ,burns energy anxiety off.i do all 3 tip given to me by a nurse .
Thought pass that on .oh and eat as well as you can,she said only good food of any benefit in menopause,and watch out for salt intake,and sugars .in menopause women get cravings like in pregnancy,she saw it a lot as a nurse.
ameroon89350 marlene21102
I look forward to reading your advice and suggestions on the topic.
marlene21102 ameroon89350
Jay will more than likely read this ,she will find your post today .
Get good info she finds on menopause .
have a read of all post,if having problems best advice ,or ask specific question,that you want answers to ,always say your age and where you live if not in UK as different countries different med names,and brands and where to buy things from ie chemist or health food shops..that helps answering you. All the best ,glad you found us ladies .
ameroon89350 marlene21102
liz53953 jopat1
Tazchurch liz53953
marlene21102 Tazchurch