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hi. I am new to this discussion group. I live in Michigan. I had two thr in the past four years. Basically I am doing great. But every now and then I want to talk with people who are going through what I'm going through. Or if anyone has any questions for me, I'd be happy to share my experiences. I'll see you around!
Merry Christmas!
4 likes, 15 replies
renee01952 Clj810
That is nice of you ... How are you doing?
what are you going through at the moment? You are 3 1/2 years ahead of me
I am 15 weeks post-op from 2nd THR and 9 months from 1st one - I am doing okay but recently my old new hip starts hurting again - as if it is a bit too much - so , which leg is the bad and which one is the good one ?
Merry Christmas and a warm, loving 2016
big warm hug
Clj810 renee01952
sue1957Geo Clj810
have a great day.
Clj810 sue1957Geo
Merry Christmas! Isn't it great to be able to take care of yourself again!? It's the little things in life that we sometimes take for granted until we can't do them!
keep up the good work!
Rocketman_SG6UK Clj810
Graham, from 30 miles north of London, UK.
8 weeks post operation, and 2 weeks pre revision operation - ceramic cup out of place!
This is the best place to meet up with other hip replacements, and exchange ideas and experiences.
Happy Christmas
Clj810 Rocketman_SG6UK
I am so glad that I stumbled onto to this site! This has been great talking with 'liked-hippies.' I wish you much success in your revision services!
happy new year!
marilyn_92910 Clj810
Clj810 marilyn_92910
mic71403 Clj810
Greetings from Exeter, Devon, UK. i'm 10 months post right THR, and 13 years post left refurfaced hip. Both just fine. But I was pretty fit pre op, and keen on doing/over-doing the exercises, in the belief that unless I do my bit exercising hard, then the benefit of a fab operation will decay away. oh yes, Renee urges me to get rest too!!
Good to be in touch across the pond!
take care, and enjoy 2016...
Clj810 mic71403
you have the exact philosophy that I had going into my surgeries... To be the best patient. To do all that is expected of me. To push myself to complete my exercises.
Good luck to you!
mic71403 Clj810
Good to hear from you....
One nice thing on this page is to share experiences together...and the awesomely beautiful Renee is there for both of us to get us to use some switch into resting mode.
The other thing is to discover who is local to you...and even meet up for pancake breafast as I did a few months ago !
Have a nice day
renee01952 mic71403
big warm hug, lovely friend
gail2910-US-MI Clj810
I am in MI also. Where are you? I had RTHR 25 days ago, looking forward to the second in April. I am very pleased with the new hip but the old one is very painful and slowing down my progress. I look forward to having it all behind me. (I am in Kalamazoo but spend a lot of time in Petoskey area as well.)
Clj810 gail2910-US-MI
i live near Metro Airport.
Good luck on your past and upcoming surgeries. Even though you may feel that you are not making the progress that you want to right now...hang in there! After your second surgery in April, you'll make great strides...literally and physically!
gail2910-US-MI Clj810
thanks for the encouragement. Wishing I could fast forward a bit!