Newbie and golf balls!
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Hi all,
I have recently found this forum, and very glad I did! May I introduce myself?
i am 51 years young and only found out I have OA in both hips in October last year. This was by X Ray after I had gone to my GP with what I thought was a sore Psoas caused by running and aggravated by tennis.
He referred me to the Clinical Assessment Team, who you have to see before you can see a Consultant. Waited 4 months for an appointment, pain getting worse.
Went Skiing at Christmas, not too bad but definate loss of confidence and difficulty putting on Ski boots!
in Feb this year I had a second X Ray to see if there were any changes. I was pretty shocked to get the report. It said that there is almost complete loss of joint space in the left hip with acetabular and femoral head osteophyte formation. Yikes!
finally saw Physio who has referred me for a Left THR. Now waiting to see a Consultant. I obviously have masses of concerns and some of the topics here are very helpful
i did want to ask about the Golf ball thing?
i can no longer sleep on my left side and the right now feels like the left did 3 months ago. Sitting is a complete pain, like sitting on two golf balls or hot rocks! Has anyone had this prior to surgery? I have only seen it referred to as a post surgery thing. Wherever I am I have to keep standing up which is a bit embarrassing but I am getting used to that. Any suggestions please? At the moment I just keep moving around and shifting position.
Also not sure if I should cancel my holiday at the end of August. If I havnt had the surgery will I feel like going, if I have had it will I be able to go.
Got lots more questions but will start with these!
4 likes, 25 replies
liz83115 kris1964
I agree it takes ages to see a consultant, I assume you are in the Uk. The whole process took 6 months for me and I have been on the waiting list for bilateral hips since December. Apparantly the 18 week wait rule doesn't count with hips and the hospitals just get fined!
I don't say this to depress you just to say you may find that you are waiting a while for your surgery so you might decide a holiday is the best thing while you are waiting but of course depends on the pain you are in to be able to enjoy it!
Hope you get an appointment soon, might be worth saying you could take a cancellation outpatients appointment which may be quicker.
all the best Liz
kris1964 liz83115
Thanks again. X
Rocketman_SG6UK kris1964
Welcome to the best place on earth for THR's.
Nearly everyone gets this - golf balls, pile of rocks, or bag of spanners. It passes, eventually. Try buttock clenching whilst doing the clamshell exercise to strengthen the muscles, i.e. lay on side (or partly sideways), heels together, raise the upper knee, hold, lower, repeat.
Oh, and see my website for most of the common problems and tips.
Graham - 🚀💃
lors23 kris1964
Like cels l only had the golf ball feeling after my 2 thr's. I had 1st 9th dec and l had the golf ball feeling for a while plus l could feel where the pin was at into my femur bone just above the knee. It was an odd sensation like you know there is something in there that never used to be there but it eventually goes. Pre-op l never had this feeling all l had was severe pain and it ended up so bad l could not pinpoint where the pain was coming from. But by this time both my hips were in a state.
As for your holiday l think it all depends on the level of pain you are getting at this time and ask yourself am l able to sit on a plane for the 3 hrs and once you get there is it a relaxing holiday you plan eg no walking far distances, sightseeing. Do you plan on relaxing in the sun. You basically have to assess what you are capable of doing here and decide if you can stand in queue's in airports climb stairs on to planes ect. You know what your body is capable of at the moment it might be worse in august or just the same. So its up to you if you feel up to it then go for it.
I have had both my hips replaced since december and am hoping to go on holiday in august/sept as l love my holidays and think l should be well and truley ready for it. My first hurdle is a few days in york next month which means me driving from scotland to york which l have done twice before once when my OA pain was getting really bad and it ruined my holiday as l sat in the hotel room for the 4 days.
Good luck whatever you decide
Laura xx
Rocketman_SG6UK lors23
The only thing I am finding that is limiting my driving, is the supportive seats rub the scar area.
It's not like it's bucket seats or anything, it's just a Honda Jazz, so I have put a cushion in the centre of the seat to raise myself up so it does not rub so much.
Graham - 🚀💃
lors23 Rocketman_SG6UK
i have an old Volvo with wide seats and seat warmers, it is also automatic. Did not know it would be so suitable for hip OA when I bought it 9 years ago!
Lallydye1 kris1964
I had op on 2nd Feb and now on no pain relief and back on the excercise bike, driving
and back to work
. Re waiting times I think it depends on where you live. I am in Edinburgh and had seen my consultant about 2 years ago who told me to wait as long as poss (I am 53) but that I could get listed when I felt I was ready. I went on the list end of Nov last year and was told the week before Christmas I had been given a date at the Spire (as NHS patient) on 2nd Feb so only really 10 weeks from list to op.
Re your holiday I would probably not cancel but I guess you need to make that call. Would your travel insurance cover this?
A bit of advice I would give you is to ask your consultant lots of questions about the op. Particularly what approach will be done - posterior, lateral or anterior and also a new much less invasive Superpath approach which I think is now available in England.
Good luck and I hope you get an appointment soon.
Best wishes
kris1964 Lallydye1
interesting. I am finding the Diclofenic along with keeping moving is the best thing so far. Had a bit of a bad day yesterday but much better with a good nights sleep thanks to the Amytriptyline! Not quite sure how much to take as still experimenting a bit. 10mg not enough and 40 gives me a hangover. So depending on how I feel I either take 20 or 30 mg. I am going to keep holiday booked for now and see how it goes. From reading all the helpful advice on here it does not seem to be worth putting it off.
I will check out the Superpath approach. We have an excellent Consultant in our area. Recommended by Physios and a GP who had 2 X THR by him. So I would probably go with his advice. If I ever get to meet him!
cheers. K. X