Newbie! Need to increase to 1 but keep putting off! 125mg to 137.5 and feeling light headed already!

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Hi there, I've been suffering with anxiety for 12 years so I'm no novice lol. I'm at a point where I need to increase my meds, the doctor told me to increase my dose from 100 to 150 a few months ago but I was scared of the side effects so I did it slowly and when I'd been on 125mg for a few weeks I felt loads better so stayed on that. Now my anxiety is back and when I saw the doctor he told me to get it upped to the 150mg which I didn't and now a few weeks on and I've been off work as it's been so bad so I upped to 137.5mg (don't laugh lol) and my anxiety has improved slightly but I'm very lightheaded and tired. I know I really need to take that leap and get up to the 150mg! I don't really know what advice I'm after tbh, I suppose just someone to say they understand and that the light-headedness and tiredness is just the increase even if it is only a tiny one!

Sorry for waffling and thank you for reading!

Helen x

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    hi helen, you should increase to 150mg, because it clearly states in the sertraline leaflet that it is perfectly fine to take up to 200mg of sertraline a day.  many, many people are on a dose of 150mg.  it normal.

    dont forget, you really dont have anything to worry about because, even if you decide to change your mind once you are on 150mg, you could always go back down a little if you wish.   it doesnt mean you have to stay on 150mg forever.

    anyway, try to just put your anxiety and worry on hold for a second, and try to see that its perfectly normal and not risky to take 150mg a day.   you are still below the maxium dose of the med per day which is 200mg, and that said, some people take more than 200mg a day.    you'll be fine so try not to worry, nothing major or bad will happen  

    • Posted

      Thank you for replying. I've actually been on 200mg before and been fine. I'm just feeling very delicate at the minute lol x

  • Posted

    I send you a big warm hug. You have the courage to take 150. Tomorrow is a good day for change!
  • Posted

    I'm on 150mg and for 2weeks now and to the heck with worrying bout things I just want to get back to being me xx

    • Posted

      What side effects have you had? I'm having awful headaches! 😢

  • Posted

    Yes i got the lightheadedness and tiredness when increasing my sertraline. Unfortunately im not at the point where i want to be and have severe anxiety . How has sertraline worked for you? Im on 50mg and im nowhere near myself

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