Newly Diagnosed with AV - Issues with Replens

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I have been dealing with what feels UTI symptoms since early April.  7 courses of antibiotics later, a very painful cystoscopy, a yeast infection, BV, and now AV (and a 15 lb weight loss that I did not want).   During this entire time I have been using replens with the hope that some of the pain and burning would ease up a bit. But it didn’t. It turns out that the replens has been making things worse.  I have been having this very unusual white tissue like discharge  in addition to swelling, redness and severe burning. Turns out it is the replens!  Anyone else experience this? And any suggestions on a more natural product that has been successful at treating or at least reducing this horrible pain.  Anyone using Bioidentical hormones for AV? 

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368 Replies

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    I had to start on estrace and Intrarosa which has helped. I had pretty much the same scenario you described. Good luck.
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      I have never heard of intrarosa. I will research it.  Thanks!
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      I saw somewhere in this thread that someone has clitoral pain causing urgency. If that person could let me know what has worked for them that would be great.
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    I have never used replens. A lot of women use organic coconut oil (including myself). However, some women apparently are allergic to it. I use it as a vag suppository. Keep it chilled in the fridge to make it more solid and spoon out a small amount. If you just want to use it externally room temp is fine.

    I do not get UTI's, but had an infection that was recently resolved with flagyl. If you read through different posts you will see that women have to try many cures before hopefully finding what works.

    I am now using a steroid ointment externally and was using Estradiol cream, but that started to burn. The doc has told me to cut it back to 2x a week. 

     There seems to be a lot of guesswork on the part of doctors. Doesn't seem that anything is clear cut. Bodies react differently or they have different problems that aren't easily diagnosed. Not sure which.

    Good luck.

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      I completely agree with the guesswork comment. I think I will give the coconut oil a try. So many women seem to be using it with no adverse reactions. Thanks for your post. 

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    I could have written your post!  My saga started with IV antibiotics for bacterial pneumonia this past November.  I ended up with a yeast infection.  I used two Monistat 7's.  Then, the dr. discovered I had a BV as well due to the antibiotics killing the good bacteria.  I used a tube of Metrogel.  The Metrogel caused another yeast infection, so two more tubes of Terconazol.  I have been suffering since.  I have been to four gynecologists and a dermatologist and diagnosed with everything from irritation to vulvodynia and VA by a pelvic pain specialist.  He started me on estrace every day and it exacerbated my burning to the point that I could barely sit.  I discontinued it after about ten days of daily use and began using hydrocortisone 1% ointment recommended by my dermatologist.  I believe this has helped the most.  Today, I picked up an rx for lidocaine 3%/hydrocortisone 0.05% and used it tonight.  At first it didn't seem to help, then the burning stopped for a while until it wore off.  I am going to pick up a rx for estradiol compounded cream after I return from a mini vacation.  I have no hope that this will either.  As far as Replens, I used this after the yeast and bacterial creams and the burning became worse.  Yes, the white "toilet paper-like" discharge has something to do with shedding of the vaginal walls.  Someone correct me if I'm wrong.  I will post whether or not the compound has helped me, for nothing has helped 100% so far.  Funny thing, I never knew I had VA until after the IV antibiotics and all the different creams I've used.  Good luck!

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      Hi Lorrie, I did not know I had VA either until all of this craziness started. My husband and I are scheduled to go on vacation next week and I just made him cancel the trip. I cannot go anywhere...,struggling to keep my job at this point as I cannot sit for long. The burning and pain are terrible .  I am so disappointed that every single doctor who assessed me and that unusual discharge had no idea it was the replens. Not even my gynaecologist.  As for the creams, I’m assuming those are just getting used externally so what are you using internally for relief?  BTW, I was given Relactagel for BV. It had to be ordered in by Shoppers Drug Mart (I’m in Canada) but worked very well. It is all natural and does not cause yeast infections. I hope you enjoy your getaway and thanks for your reply. 
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      Julie,  I am not using anything internally.  Every doctor has prescribed only external options.  I, too, wonder how an external cream can help internally.
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      lorrie, it certainly sounds as if the original antibiotics killed off good as well as bad bacteria in your system. Why not try to find natural fermented foods that will help to replenish your body? I drink kefir every day as it has many more strains than yogurt. It hasn't had any effect on vaginal issues but has been great for digestion problems which doctors could not resolve.

      You can google fermented foods and try different ones. Nothing will harm you. Most if not all have been around for hundreds if not thousands of years.

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      Does kefir contain lactose?  I have IBS and I'm sort of lactose intolerant. 


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      lorrie, check for a PM. My message would not go through. Moderator again???


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    Wish I could help , I need help too what does I'm been using Replens for 2 months and yes same white discharge has stopped but have very bad rawness in both entrance sides, don't know what else to do either and don't want to get worse trying new things and Dr will most likely say it's hormone time but I' really shouldn't have since I had hysterectomy for endometrial cancer but can't stay like this either

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      My doctor just recommended what I think is a new product called Gynatrof. It does not contain glycerin or parabins like the replens does. I bought it last night but haven’t used it yet. I’m hoping it helps.  Not all stores carry it yet. It can also be purchased on line.  It sure sounds, from everything I have read that topical HRT works best. I haven’t started that either but I will if it means I get my life back. 
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      No...I haven’t tried it yet. The naturopath suggested I wait. She wants me to give the estriol a try on its own first. 
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      I have had a look at gynatrof and the ingredients seem fine. I’d give it a go. I have to admit that I tried lots of different products - spent a lot of money - but I think that the only way to find what works for you is to experiment. I tried several types of water based vaginal moisturisers (stung me or made me swell up inside), water and oil based vaginal moisturisers containing hyaluronic acid (again stung me or made me swell up inside, so gynatrof wouldn’t be any good for me). I tried everything available in the U.K. and more (got stuff imported). In the end I came to the conclusion that I could only tolerate pure natural oils so used coconut oil internally and externally after every time I went to the toilet, vit e oil (the contents of a 400iu oral capsule) internally once a day and inserted a key e pessary before going to bed. I also took 3g of sea buckthorn oil (orally) a day because a very good study has shown that it improved the condition and elasticity of the vagina wall cells and the thickness of the vaginal wall and is a viable alternative for women who cannot use hormones. That all kept me going for 4 years. I only resorted to topical estriol cream because sex was becoming painful but I was fine on a daily basis and would have carried on with the oils if I had not liked sex so much!

      An alternative to gynatrof, which doesn’t contain hyaluronic acid, is neueve.

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      Oh I can understand your staying with what works , been to dermatologist today too for her advice also, sadly each Dr , different views and your right (one size dosent fit all) In the end I might have to cave in too to the hormones
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      Probably - Nothing else gives any relief even estriol takes a long time to work and does eventually. I used a moisturiser on the outer bits last night and don't feel I am getting the same discomfort today.  I used the YES VM to apply to the outer areas I didn't use it further up because of past experience. My doctor said I could use the estriol one applicator full x 2 times a week but I use half an applicator twice a week. Don't want to  overdo the estriol. He also told me to keep on with pelvic floor exercises he says they definitely help. I honestly find it difficult to find the time for all these things.  

    • Posted

      So true, well I called gyno toask questions as you know he wants to see my Friday.Yesterday I seen a Dermatologist to get her advice being she's female. She switched my steroid to triamcinolon e cream, said to wash with cetaphil gentle pump cleaner and apply aquaphor.As for Replens might be irritation outerarea and suggested plain KY jelly maybe. So who really knows lol Don't know if I'll go back Friday to gyno just yet

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      yolanda, I used cetaphil for years, but my new gyno said I have lichen sclerosis and the handout she gave me says no soap of any kind. 

      I have been using the estradiol cream along with a steroid gel for the AV and the LS for 7 weeks now. The estradiol started to burn about a week ago, so I am now using it just twice a week. It does make a difference in terms of plumping up the tissues, but I can certainly understand your reluctance to use hormones. I went without for 3 years after being told I should use them because my sister had stage 4 breast cancer, but I don't think I can hold off any longer.

      My doctor never suggested estriol rather than estradiol and I had confused the two. I think they go for the strongest first. In your case it may be safest to go with estriol. Is that what your dr recommends? What exactly are you diagnosed with? Is it just AV?

    • Posted

      The estriol worked very rapidly for me - after about 3 weeks I was moist and plump down there. We are all different I guess and what’s works well for one person doesn’t work week for another. That’s why I advise experimenting and trying everything’s to find what works for you.
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      I find I am reading this site every time I have a spare minute. Think I am hoping one of you ladies has found a miracle cream. I have the half applicator of estriol tonight will see what happens. Even with the half applicator it still falls out first time I go to toilet and that's still many times.  There are some women on a site I found using the estriol to remove wrinkles on their face and skin. Don't care about that just want to get back to normal.  Let me know how you get on. 

      It's so hot here again and set to be hotter tomorrow we have four fans on all the time - supposed to be extreme weather coming, giant hailstones and a month's rainfall in an hour by Friday with severe thunder and lightening.  They blame global warming, I have no doubt it is.  Concerning though . 


    • Posted

      Hi Bev, gyno said Av, Dermatologist thinks contact dermatitis , she said cetafil or CeraVe , gonna try none for a while, I use cetifill on rest of body usually anyway. Who knows really maybe yeast back .I use Replens it helps some , gyno has me using Summers Eve, never burned me but maybe too drying

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      Hi Yolanda,I am also suffering with vaginal and vulva burning/irritation.  I saw where your dermatologist prescribed Triamcinolone cream.  May I ask if you use it internally and externally?  I have it and use it for eczema once in a while.

      Thank you!

    • Posted

      For some reason, I am not receiving messages from this group or any other regarding Atrophic Vaginitis.  When I used Triamcinolone cream I used it internally and a lot came out to cover externally.  Didn't burn as much as the "M" treatment.

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      Have you received my reply hope you got the information you needed and feel better
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      Hopefully your feeling better, not sure if you got my reply so I'll try this again, I was told to put on only around entrance to vagina by pharmacy for external use Triamcinolone

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      Haven't been on forum for a while.  One thing I do know the estriol cream is helping (half applicator full) twice a week and you know the plunger part of the applicator - it always has lots of the cream stuck to it so I started taking the cream from there and putting it on all other outer parts and it does feel better. I really had a severe burning and stinging and my bladder frequency and pain was just constant. 

      Pare things any better with you 

    • Posted

      Hi Olive,

      That’s great news! Are you in the UK? Just wondering what your estriol cream base is made with. 

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      That’s what I do with the cream left on the plunger! Seems such a waste otherwise.
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      Hi Olive, happy it's helping I go back to Gyno next week he is vacationing, meanwhile the tests taken were inconclusive so there goes that, I'm at an itchy stage now lovely right! dryness , yeast, bacteria who knows now and I don't really want to start more meds till I can see Dr over the phone they're guessing and offer treatment but it's all guessing

    • Posted

      I just tried to copy and paste the estriol box somehow it wouldn't let me paste 

      Estriol Cream 

      Estriol 0.01%

      Active ingredients Estriol 0.01% w/w

      Also contains. ARACHIS OIL (peanut oil)

      Benzoic acid E210) Glyceryl monosterate

      Glycerin Gluctamic acid Purified water 

    • Posted

      Julie ny messages keep disappearing I tried to copy and paste a pcopy cture of the estriol box and it disappeared I tried again and it disappeared I wrote the ingredients out and it disappeared tried again and it disappeared too. 

      Keep trying with estriol it will help will write tomorrow once I am allowed to reply to you ITS ARACHIS OIL (peanut oil) Benzoic acid glyceryl monosearaye 

      see if yôu get this 

    • Posted

      Got it!!! Thank you. Sorry for all the trouble. Not sure what is going on with this site. It seems to be causing a lot problems. 
    • Posted

      Hello it's the same with me when I try to send estriol ingredients in Estriol in Scotland to Julie or Yolanda and talk about our problem they disappear I tried in all different formats and still couldn't see what I wrote after I sent it. 

      Have you tried estriol cream if you can persevere long enough it really does help but it's not a quick answer it takes ages. GOOGLE it and read about it. ESTRIOL cream it's different to others with a similar name 

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