Newly diagnosed with high blood pressure and scared..
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Hey there everybody. I just joined and can use some advice. I know this isn't medical advice, but I can just use some advice in general.
So after a few more tries, they all come up around those numbers and I take myself to urgent care. I know they can't really do anything, but I needed them to check to make sure #1 it was accurate and advise me what I should do next. When I got there and got into the room, the nurse checked my blood pressure and the first reading came up at 177/122. She told me there's no doubt my blood pressure is high but she will check it again in a few minutes, and she did and it came up 174/108, so she confirmed that my blood pressure was high but that the doctor will be in soon.
So anyway, the doctor took a look at me, told me that I needed to make an appointment with my doctor within 2 weeks. When I went to urgent care it was around 7pm and my doctors office was closed so I called first thing the next morning. The receptionist told me that she had to get the reports from urgent care and give them to my doctor to look over and that they'll call me back soon to tell me what the plan was going to be. So she did and told me that he said the last time I was seen, my blood pressure was normal (which was 3 months ago or so), so it hasn't been high for too awful long, and that I needed to be seen within 1-3 weeks. Well the earliest appointment they had was 3 weeks away.. And to be honest, I'm not medical professional, but numbers that high, I feel like I should be seen sooner... I'm REALLY worried with those numbers but I'm trying not to worry too much. I bought a blood pressure cuff for myself and have taken it at least once a day and they are all coming up with 160's over 110's or in that range of some sort. I think the lowest I got was 138/105.
To be completely honest, I don't eat right, I don't excersise, I've put on a good amount of weight in the last few years, and my job is very stressful. My job changed around the time my blood pressure has (maybe) started to go up to where I had to be up for work around 3am to get there by 4am. I'm 35 years old, and the mom of 2 boys, so the earliest I was getting to bed was 10pm (sometimes later), so I was usually going off only a few hours of sleep every night.
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RHGB Linz682
2) Eat well, drop the takeaways, all te boxed microwave/oven ready meal food and start eating home prepared food, that includes salad and fruit, plus lose a bit of weight and exercise, or refer to option 1).
Oh yeah, that's already started. My boyfriend is getting annoyed with me because I'm not wanting anything processed, fried, etc... (not really ACTUALLY annoyed with he does understand). But nothing but healthy stuff. No more sugary desserts and whatnot. Eating a lot of oatmeal, fruits, vegetables, etc.. since I found out about this. I know it's only been a couple days but I refuse to have anything bad for me again. This was definitely my wake up call...
I don't want to be on bp medicine for the rest of my life. I'm wanting to make lifestyle changes too, but until then, I'm worried about it still being so high
lyn1951 Linz682
OK I hear from you easier said than done.
You have had your scare, and from what I read you are on the right track to getting yourself under control, sugar craving does disappear with a good healtly diet but it does take a few weeks to get past the cravings stage.
Can I suggest go for a walk around the block, daily, even a short walk for a start with boyfriend and kids and then add distance to that walk say every 3 - 4 days for a change.
You will be surprised at just how quickly you will change your readings, don;t take immediatly after exercise, they will be naturally higher, as you have stirred your system with that walk.
john_1939 Linz682
Hi Linz,You have been given all the answers with the replies,
Do this for your boys and yourself, Ditch the sugar, prepare your own food, it's cheaper, and if you prepare in advance in batches, you can do a whole weeks worth of meals in a few hours, dump them in the freezer, eat well, reduce the salt as much as possible. Get out and walk, enjoy the fresh air, and your stress will ease. How do I know, because I have just done it at 77 yrs of age when my wife developed dementia, dig in, dig deep, and the very best of luck.
kiki45600 Linz682
Hi Linz682,
Was wondering how you're doing now. I've also been recently receiving high pressure readings as similar to yours and am wondering if you've started getting better readings with your lifestyle changes. I've had a stressful last 6 months which reared anxiety, insomnia, headaches, body aches. And lately I've had these BP readings. I've contracted the flu virus twice during this time as I guess my body is low on resistance. I'm 36, weight is fine, married, no kids. Never had this issue before then so it's a bit concerning. Please share. Thank you.