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ive been remaining positive and applying clob weekly as directed by the clinic lady. Then I go and read an interesting looking article in the Daily Mirror, I wished I hadn't. Need a chat to ladies as my confidence has plummeted. Apparently she had itching for twenty years and said she has only just been diagnosed and has had vulvar cancer. Seeking some positive vibes x
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sarb73328 sue162
as I understand it,( but it is extremely hard to understand), if you get diagnosed and treated early LS can be 'managed', can remiss and won't necessarily turn into cancer. Vulval cancer is very rare. It is hard to keep positive though and I am only in the early stages but with definite symptoms, with GP 'suspecting' I have it and Gynae backing her.
sue162 sarb73328
sarb73328 sue162
hanny32508 sue162
When you read such articles ... well, it is hard not to get nervous about your own situation. However, it is also said/written that only very few people with LS get cancer.
?Life is 'risky'. Best to concentrate on looking after your individual LS, make observations so now and then, have regular check-ups with your gyno and treat it as well as you can.
?Go for a nice walk, do something you like doing and try to control stress if you can.
sue162 hanny32508
Thanks Hanny, I know you're right. I wish I hadn't read it but like you say just keep a check myself and check ups at the clinic. Maybe I'm having an off day, I seem to not worry when I'm busy or distracted. I try to just look on here at threads now it was just in the paper though. X
hanny32508 sue162
Do remember Sue that these headlines in the newspaper are there to attract readers. Newspapers need to be sold. Good and positive news doesn't seem attractive.
?I find that living with LS gives sometimes stress days. I don't understand why. Perhaps it's because we all know that it will never go away and it needs constant care. What works for me is going for a walk or other not too strenuous physical activity.
Guppy007 sue162
I think it's very rare to get cancer from LS, I've more chance of getting colon cancer from my ulcerative colitis. But to be honest I never think about it because I could get run over by a bus tomorrow or even have a car accident, I really believe the quickest way to make yourself sick is to worry about getting sick.
Envisioning scenarios isnt worth your time. Join a yoga class
think about how fortunate you are...what you have going on in your life that makes it special.... that kind of thing.
deb72675 sue162
Hi Sue,
I was diagnosed 1 yr ago just accidentally by gyn, had just had 3rd baby and after having incidence of skin cancer decided on a bit of a health check, suffice to say was diagnosed with LS... V pale down below and some loss of architecture... As per not so supportive Gyn.
But my reason for replying is to offer a small bit of support that I hope will help. I too worried initially about the chance or as I saw it.. "reality" of vulvar ca!! I'm a Radiation therapist (cancer radiographer) with 20years experience in all things cancer. (it's my primary degree..) We see little or no patients with vulvar Ca. Perhaps 1 every 2 yrs if even for Radiation therapy treatment. It is that rare.
The majority of patients (ladies and gents) in this forum are actively mindful of their health. We can only educate. & care for ourselves and keep an close eye (while getting on & enjoying with our lives).
Just remember, the chances of anything progressing to cancer is very slim. Try and stay positive. I hope this helps. Xx
sue162 deb72675
Thank you Deb. I feel better today anxiety surfaces more some days. Thing is I come in here reassuring people and I'm as bad. You are one of those brilliant ladies in the radiography department then
always pleasant and with empathy I haven't met a horrid one yet. I guess it's just a change you can see with our bodies and a change worries more people than some. Then I thought well we only know because we know our bodies and have noticed which is good isn't it. For all I know the lady in the paper just never noticed things either. Thanks for your kind words. X