Niggly pain in right side and bloating.

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I have been getting pain in my right side under my rib cage for a few months. The pain is just a niggle and not a sharp pain, more of a burning sensation/dull ache. My stomach also feels bloated and my stomach gargles quite a lot. I also get itchy occasionally. My stools are normal and I haven't lost weight. I get anxious sometimes. Hope you can help or give me some advice.



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16 Replies

  • Posted

    Interesting, sounds a bit similar to me. For like 3 months I have pain on both sides of my stomach, and it comes and goes, kind of like a dull crampy pain. I belch a lot and feel gassy also. What interests me most tho is your comment about being itchy. I've been dealing w generalized itching for months now, since like July. I can't fig out what it is, but I also suffer from anxiety. Can you explain your itchy symptoms? Mine is mostly on my hands/arms/neck. I feel itchy, I scratch, and it gets red and hives appear.

  • Posted

    Hi Philly

    My itchiness is mostly on my neck and the back of my head. Also around my stomach and right side by my ribs. I get the odd blotchy patch but nothing major and it isn't all the time.


    • Posted

      Same! It kind of comes and goes, like if I'm distracted I don't really notice it. Bc of this I wonder if it is anxiety related?

    • Posted

      Perhaps!! I am under a lot of stress at the moment. I'm going to try anti-gas tablets and see if they work.


    • Posted

      Yes let me know if that helps u! I'm on 40mg nexium at the moment, just started a couple days ago. Haven't noticed any help yet

  • Posted

    Hi: Glad you are not in too much pain.

    I had similar symptom and still do. In my case, it was my gall bladder. Had stones but not bad enough for an out and out attack. Had it removed (I'm sorry I did but doc said better to have it out now than wait for an emergency). After the removal of GBladder, I developed BAM=bile acid malabsorption. Now I have to watch my fat intake.

    I also have a floating rib (according my new PCP) that pokes into my roll of extra fat around my middle and sometime my liver. It's uncomfortable but can be lived with if I lose bout 10 lbs.

    If your condition gets worse, see a doc. Sorry I couldn't be more helpful.

    • Posted

      Hi Frazzled,

      Thanks that is useful. Hope you're ok


    • Posted

      ok i had the same about 2 years after my gallbladder removed. no doc could figure out why i could eat hardly anything that wouldnt give me the runs.....i went on internet and asked my doctor to give me a perscription for cholestryamine. he said ok it wont hurt you i took a box (comes in packets) you mix and drink......started to get better. then took a flora 50 billion critical care probiotic one a day. guess what it was gone in 2 weeks. never to return and it has been almost a year. I can eat anything. still take the orobiotic once a day. start with the probiotic as the cholestryamine is a little expensive if you dont have a drug plan.take only the Flora brand....good luck...

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    No not yet. I haven't seen a doctor yet.


    • Posted

      I was thinking it may sound liver related because of where the pain is and the itching. It may not be a bad idea to get a scan because a liver function blood test doesn't always show problems initially.

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