Night Nurse!

Posted , 6 users are following.

Apologies if something similar has been posted, I'm new to this so not sure how it all works. My anxiety is off and on and quite bad at the moment. I'm having trouble sleeping and this is causing me to have panic attacks at night time which stops me sleeping and so on and so on.

I try to be as active in the day as possible to tire my self out but then go to bed and feel wide awake. I was once provided with sleeping tablets a few years ago but they didn't really work, I'm guessing they were a low dose and the Dr scared me about them being addictive.

Recently I have resorted to Night Nurse a couple of times which really helps me sleep and puts me in a postive frame of mind the next day because I have slept.

I'm under no illusion that this is bad but it really helps. Please can other people tell me how they deal with sleep and have they ever resorted to Night Nurse or similar?


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9 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi jenny

    Here's a thought would it not be better to sort the anxiety out first as this is the main

    Problem and not the sleep ?

  • Posted

    Daz is kinda right in regards to sorting out the Anxiety but in the mean time you could try Phernagan.... I was prescibed by my Phychatrist to calm me down and help me sleep.. it is an Anti sickness pill but can be used for sedation.
  • Posted

    Hi, Jenny560.  I have said it on very many occasions now. If you can't sleep then you can't sleep. I don't think you will like this advice but believe me it works. At the moment I sleep roughly every three days. You will sleep when you are tired. But believe me if you try to force sleep you will drive yourself crazy. I am sure you will agree with me that the more you say to yourself," I must sleep, I must sleep." the hader it is ti sleep. Watch what you are viewing on tv last thing at night. Nothing too exciting.Try a hot milky drink like horliks. and KEEP CALM. Getting high mentally is very bad. I would'nt like to get addicted on Night Nurse. You did not say if you were working . If not then you don't need a lot of sleep. Best of luck.
  • Posted

    Hi, I'm real trying to sort my anxiety but it's hard at the mo and not getting much support. I tend to have panic attacks at night time which makes me feel bad for days but If I sleep all night then obviously no chance for panic attacks and I feel better. I try to get lots of fresh air in the day time, not have caffeine in evenings etc. I work full time. I can be yawning my head off then go to bed and it's like adrenaline kicks in and my heart starts to pound and I'm wide awake.
    • Posted

      Hello Jenny, no one as yet has mentioned KALMS a herbal tab from most chemists and H&B  calms the mind and help you sleep ,with the help of Ovaltine (for me) Ican't bear the smell of Horlicks

      Night night,

      Nearly forgot .there are day time and night time KALMS 

    • Posted

      Hey check your messages as I sent you a private message several hours ago in response to your previous thread.

      I love night nurse guarantees me 16hrs sleep all the time but taking it frequently and on a regular basis can't be advisable.. Jenny650 created a thread last week titled Music seeking classical music to help take her mind off stress etc. I advised some downtempo / chillout music as well as energetic and uplifting eletronic dance music.. I like watching ASMR videos too as they can be quiet comforting as lot of people use it as alternative therapy for stress, anxiety, depression, and sleep problems etc.

    • Posted

      Thanks I have looked at your messages, they are really helpful. I will have a proper look at the info tomorrow.
    • Posted

      Thanks, when I'm not feeling too bad I tend to sleep really well. I have tried kalms for when I'm feeling really bad but they don't really help to be honest. Think I'm just too anxious for them to work.
  • Posted

    Hi. For anxiety meditation and relaxation apps are very good. For sleep but only use once or twice a week if desperate phenegan( as lady earlier said) they gave me them in rehab and nytol( over counter not herbal one) definately work. But only if nothing else works. Ask at the chemist who will advise

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