Night sweats!
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Hi everyone! So does anyone notice night sweats during your monthly cycle for a few days to a week then all the real bad symptoms start up ?? I had a hysterectomy so have no clue where I would be at in my monthly cycle, so I just go by my daily journal of symptoms... So I've noticed my pattern for the last couple of months of cycles being night sweats for a few nights to a week and then BAM! I'm socked with very bad emotions, I want to cry over everything, I literally worry myself sick over my past present and future, especially the future, as if something bad will be happening at any moment.. And just the next few weeks of this I have a hole in my stomach, a pure sense of doom and gloom, along with all the other crazy symptoms of dizziness numbness headaches and joint pains .. Does anyone else feel this pattern of crappy symptoms with bad doom gloom monthly? Especially right when the night sweats kick in? And I don't get the hot flashes just night sweats followed by 3 weeks or so of pure HELL!!!
2 likes, 16 replies
Guest Gypsy014
Hi Gypsy, Oh my, yes! Everything is horrible for me at that time. I take an AD too, and the only thing it’s controlled is the crying. I wake up soaked. I was blaming the AD, but noticed My start up side effects were morning sweats. The night drenching is definitely perimenopause and definitely worse when my period is coming...I also am exhausted a couple of days before. My periods for the last few months have been 21 days, lighter and lasting 2-3 days...but my symptoms are bad. With a 21 day cycle between the PMS and recovery, at best, I have a handful of OK days...then I’m usually dizzy too. I think I want a gender reassignment now 🤣. Only kidding.
Gypsy014 Guest
Lol your funny Lou, I'm with you on the gender reassignment anything to get me to feel better again ha!! Well thanks for sharing, its definitely maddening all this craziness..
mrs_susan74280 Guest
Guest mrs_susan74280
Hello, yes on tbe AD ( generic Lexapro) was sweating like crazy first couple weeks in the morning while doing chores, etc. Now just the night sweats a few times a month. Mirtazapine, I only lasted a couple days on...terrible headaches...probably start up side effects along with peri, but I got impatient and tossed them.
Having a good day today so far though...up and around, cleaned, washed my dogs... and its only noon...not bad! 😀
Gypsy014 Guest
Guest Gypsy014
Tbanks Gypsy...They were! 😀
Finny2018 Gypsy014
I am so sorry you re having a rough day. I am starting to track my symptoms daily so that I can find a pattern. Today I woke up and I am sad, worried about the present, future - all of it - like these feelings of despair.
My life around me is good...yet these hormones are horrible! Ugh! Just down today and want to be alone and climb in bed. This feeling of despair is NEW and it's awful and it all hit me in June when I had my last period as of now.
I started tracking my symptoms in June. I do think I am noticing a pattern - been having Night Sweats last 4 nights. My periods are not regular but this would normally be day 14 of my cycle. I am noticing that looking at June & July - this was exactly the TIMING in my cycle when I had some very ROUGH days of worry,, sadness, utter despair (remember life around me is blessed/good! - so these are irrational hormonal thoughts) - want to climb back in bed - it's AWFUL!
I was reading that this is normally when my Progesterone levels should be rising in my body - but my tests say there is hardly any progesterone in my body right now when there should be and I'm guessing that is why I am feeling so down. So like you - my emotion scale seems to go like this since June:
Emotions Week 1: "almost me",
Emotions Week 2: "it's not good - but yet it's not the despair and hopelessness"
Emotions Week 3: " doom and gloom, despair, hopelessness, don't want to see people"
Emotions Week 4: "a slow feeling of coming out of week 3"
Gypsy014 Finny2018
Hi Finny, perfectly described.. I feel exactly the same, maybe I'm in the bad part just a bit longer though, but for the most part I couldn't have described it better myself! I'm trying to figure out which hormone is lacking causing such awful depressive gloomy symptoms too and I'm thinking progesterone myself! I just have no way of clocking cycles anymore..and for you if your around day 14 then that would be around ovulation time, which I think progesterone should be rising then and maybe is not because obviously our ovaries are winding down.. Also trying to figure out why are these symptoms getting so bad all of a sudden, and I'm thinking maybe this would be me crossing over into menopause, just not sure anymore.. 😢
lori93950 Gypsy014
Gypsy014 lori93950
Hi Lori, awful isn't it? Yes same night sweats I'm not to bothered by them, its all the depression and doom gloom feelings that start up as soon as these night sweats hit me.. So then do you see a pattern, when your night sweats start do the bad symptoms then start for the next few weeks or are they just with you always at the moment and not cycling for you yet?
michelle92591 Gypsy014
When I started to miss my period at age 50, then the night sweats started. I would miss a couple ,even three months. Just finished six weeks straight, then a couple weeks none. Now they are back. I can't seem to find a pattern with them. Really messed up my sleep,and messes up the rest of my day.
lori93950 michelle92591
Gypsy014 michelle92591
Hi Michelle, when all my symptoms first started I did NOT have any patterns either, symptoms would come and stay for like 6 to 8 months pure HELL.. Then that symptom would leave only to be replaced by several more... Then same symptoms started to return and that's when they would cycle them selves, so yes at first all over the place...
katyD211 Gypsy014
Gypsy014 katyD211
Lol I like that Katy on a rocket to the moon!!! I'm so glad I'm not the only one, and not that I want you to have all these symptoms, I just feel like am I losing my mind with all them.. They do get bad for me though during these night sweats ugh...