Night Sweats??!!

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I have just started having night sweats again. I went about 10 months without them and they have suddenly returned. They seem to be worse this time around, my anxiety is off the charts. I'm thinking worse case scenario as usual. I am also having heart palpitations again. Anyone relate?

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16 Replies

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    Sending you a prayer. Just remember when our hormones are unbalanced or fading away it really does cause chaos and mayhem for us. It will wax and wane until the end. Like waves in the ocean. Some waves are bigger and more terrifying than others. Praying, deep breathing, fans, and a spray bottle filled with distilled water will all help.

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      thankyou for your kind words. I find I am constantly questioning myself as to whether there is something else going on, I have severe health anxiety. The sweats are just awful

    • Posted

      Health anxiety is the worse and hot flashes and night sweats can make an already bad situation worse by increasing anxiety by 10. You need to retrain your brain by changing the way you perceive it because hot flashes and panic attacks have so many of the same symptoms, your heart will race, your blood pressure is affected, you can get dizzy and light headed, you get flushed and you feel as if you can not breath or get a deep breath in, your legs will feel like jelly and the list goes on and on. Your mind can not tell the difference between the two. That is why you can be lying in bed and you get hot or you get heart palpitations then anxiety hits hard out of nowhere. With anxiety your mind feels the danger first and tells your body to run and fight for your life with a hot flash your body feels it first and tells your mind to run and fight for your life.

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      yes, I have had all those symptoms. I ended up in the ER one night, I honestly thought I were dying and I had no control. It was a scary time.

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    Yup!! Try magnesium glycinate 400mg for the palpitations it works wonders for me

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    Hi there I usually get the night sweats a good week each month with palpatations..and when I do my 3 day long migraine follows it..and I will get other symptoms with it like the dizziness and off balance..awful times this menopause..

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      I seem to be getting the same symptoms. Dizziness and a swaying feeling even when sitting down. Fun times......Not Lol

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    Exact same issue here. They went away for a long time, and now are back, worse than ever. Really struggling with extreme dizziness, nausea, diarrhea, and just feeling unwell. Hoping it all passes! The only comfort about the night sweats is they went away before so I am hopeful they'll go away again!

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      i get woken at about 5/6am with this weird adrenaline surge then i sweat from the back of my knees, my elbow joints & chest?! is this a night sweat, also getting the nausea, bloating, no appetite, dizziness flu feeling daily

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      Hi! Yes, I get the surges too. They come at random times, and are followed by a hot flash. I was doing really well for several months, and over the summer, symptoms returned. Looking forward to a break again!!!!

    • Posted

      This is exactly what happens with me . It seems to be a vicious cycle. I hope these awful symptoms end soon for both of us

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    do you ever get facial flushing, where your face feels warm, almost feverish? can last for awhile too. I seem to get that off and on, usually around or after my period.

    • Posted

      Yes I do get facial flushing and every couple of months I get this feeling like something is brushing against my face, like a feather is brushing across my face. I sound like a mad women i know haha

    • Posted

      you definitely do not sound like a mad woman, these symptoms make us all on edge! Between this feeling of my face being hot and dizziness and lightheaded, its a wonder I have the energy to get things done around the house! fortunately I'm working from home and find a way to push through the work day.

    • Posted

      I am feeling very drained atm also, even the smallest of tasks is an effort. I just want alme energy back and a feeling of wellness

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