Night sweats
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Hello ladies..
How long does the sweats last? Is it minutes, hours, daily, or periodically?
I'm wondering if what I'm experiencing is hormonal or something else. All of this is so overwhelming and has my anxiety on high.
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Gypsy014 HopefulTrina
Hi hopeful mine are definitely periodically I get them once a month for about 5 to 7 nights straight, between 1 and 4 am. I wake up soaked like I took a shower hair and all.. and i will have other weird symptoms with them like vivid dreams shaky feel weak jelly legs dizziness and vertigo without the spinning and then finally my lovely migraine NOT.. and I'm NOT a sweater its so weird I could take up jogging and run 10 miles and never sweat.. and I don't have night sweats while a wake only while sleeping and I wake up soaked.. how are yours? how old are you when did your symptoms all start and what are your me no symptoms?
HopefulTrina Gypsy014
Thanks for replying.. My sweats are very similar to your pattern. I'm 46 years old, and it seems like my symptoms started a few years ago. I suffer with anxiety, palpitations,dizziness, muscle aches, heavy or jelly legs, nausea, headaches and some times it feels like I will faint, along with many other symptoms. I suffer mostly during ovulation and my period, which is still monthly but irregular at times
serena11274 HopefulTrina
can i ask about the heavy legs , i had this really bad about this time last year, was an effort to stand without my heart rate going tachy, still get now but is bearable, heart rate continues to go up randomly but not as bad as last year, also get muscle twitching and last year pins and needles and waking in night with arm fully asleep, my sweats were upon awakening, and sometimes just a flush throughout day, i still have periods but too have been longer cycles or shorter.
HopefulTrina serena11274
I'm not sure what causes it. Some days they feel very heavy, then there are days when they feel like jelly 😮
I don't recall any heart rate issues at either time though. I guess it's a fluctuation in hormones..
2chr2015 HopefulTrina
much like gypsy, i get them for a few nights in a row and never during the day. I am not a sweater either. mine are not drenching however. i am usually just wet on my chest and neck, sometimes under my boobs and damp in elbows and behind knees
HopefulTrina 2chr2015
That was my concern it's been a few days in a row, pretty much the same time EARLY morning waking me up.
This has happened twice within the past few months. I guess this is something I have to get used to 😑👀