Night sweats and chest burning
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Hi Ladies... Looking for some much needed assurance. I have suffered from night sweats off and on for the last 2 years. For the past week I have been waking every night anywhere between 10-2. It either starts with a hotflash first and then the burning starts or vice versa. Only sleeping and average of maybe 4 hours off and on through the night. I have suffered from anxiety for 20 years and have started peri about 3 years. They symptoms change from time to time but this new one is throwing for i a full panic. I've had ekg, echo and stress and all are OK. I do take Xanax which used to help keep me asleep but now that doesn't seem to help. It virtually feels like a match has been lit in my upper chest which then brings on the major anxiety. Anyone else experience this. I work full time and am becoming a zombie. Today is the first day I called off as I just can't function on 2-3 hours of broken up sleep. Any advice or support would be greatly appreciated. This peri stuff is not for the faint hearted.
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debra16694 joann1972
hi joann - Yep to all of it - Only difference for me is, this all started happening for me 5 to 6 years post menopause. i believe it happens when your hormones tank & not necessarily what stage you are in. i am still paying on a huge hospital bill from last year because the chest wall/back burning was so intense i was certain i was having a cardiac episode. Believe me when i tell you that there isnt a dr out there that will tell you its menopause related. The only salvation is this forum & realizing other woman have been thru it also. My interpretation for why this happens is that menopause affects every system in our body...respitory, nervous system etc - i think just nourishing our nervous system with Stress Vitamins, self care & healthy nourishment will help in relieving some of the symptoms - i know it freaks you out when it happens, but try & relax thru it - i also think it affects people more who are prone to anxiety...its the nervous system reacting -
theresa53424 joann1972
Hi Joann,
Yes I have gone through this, I still do but not nearly as bad. They put me on Clonidine and Propranolol to help with my heart palpitations. My anxiety was getting so bad that it gave me high blood pressure. I was Klonapin for over 10 plus years and it stopped working so they switched me to Ativan. Now when I take all three at night before bed, I no longer have the night sweats, and the anxiety. My heart doesn't race anymore and I can finally sleep. However, I when I wake up, I find my anxiety kicks in within a couple of hours so I take a ativan now when I get up and I'm fine. The propranolol works as a beta blocker which stops the heart palpitations. This has been a saving grace for me. I also take DIM, this helps night sweats too. You purchase it off Amazon. I also go for BHRT treatments every 3 months and its now kicking in and working. I still have bad days, yesterday was bad one for hot flashes. I had hot flashes all day at work and was sweating so bad. I couldn't wait to get home to change my clothes. I will be 53 in April, my peri started when I was about 45 but these last two years have been the worse. My doctor said I was his worse case he'd ever seen. I was non functional to the point where I was terrified to leave my house and my thought process was taking over my body and mind. Hopefully my advice helps you and you can some peace and sleep. Good luck!
Thank you for the responses ladies. I was scared crazy last night thinking it was sure a heart issue. I do get the burning during the day but it doesn't scare me as bad because I have distractions at work. For years I was blessed to have a full night sleep but this perimenopause has brought on so many new symptoms. I am 47 and have been going through this shell for over 4 years. I still have periods anywhere from 60 days some months to 18 others. I pray this is all it is. I just had my last ekg in Dec and doc said I'm fine but hard to believe every time something new pops up. This forum has been a life saver as I read posts a lot but this is my first time posing. Thank you again. I hate missing work as that is not something I do but had no choice today...I was an emotional mess.
Guest joann1972
OMG, too! Night sweats, every night for the past month. 2-5am. This is newer fir me. Like having hot water thrown on me. It is terrible because I have migraine problem, No sleep equals more problems. My dr prescribed me gabapentin, but, I am not filling the prescription.
If the burning chest is internal feeling...probably acid reflux. I have GERD, absolutely cannot eat before bed or else I get legit chest pains, pressure and choking feeling. I was taking magnesium for migraines, I stopped at the beginning of the month because I did not think it was doing anything.. All of a sudden the night sweats came and my migraines seem worse (even though I am on med for them). mmmm, I wonder? I am going to start up with magnesium again and see if it makes a difference. So sick of playing detective!
debra16694 Guest
hi lou - yes, i have experienced the acid reflux/gerd sensation, but what i believe Joann is describing is more like a burning sensation almost like a bad sunburn, but skin isnt hot or red. The burning sensation can travel...i have had it on my middle back, upper back, chest, nape of neck, forearms, front of shins, top of feet etc. For me it travels....also have felt a weird burning in my stomach - it comes & goes, but seems to come on at night - i have often thought it was inflammation, but now convinced its nerve related & it sucks!!!