Nightmare Shingles

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my story so far

On Tuesday 27th Feb when I was at work, i felt a tingling near the out side of my left eye and also noticed a dry sore patch on the side of my nose. Put it down to the very cold weather but I also notice my teeth and gums were very sensitive, thought I couldn’t be a dental problem because I had just been to the dentist and everything was fine, , i was off work due to the snow, but I felt really tired and the next 2 days I was sleeping a lot. To relieve then what I thought was sinus trouble was doing the hot water in a bowl thing.

by the Friday I noticed red patched coming on my cheek and tender to touch.

11pm that night I was so concerned and in quiet a bit of discomfort my friend drove me to A&E only to be told it was gingivitis and sent home with antibiotics. I did say could it be singles.

The next day Saturday my partner came home from being away took me to the pharmacy and she had a look and said she thinks it’s shingles.

dr on the Monday afternoon by then I looked like the elephant man the pain was getting worse the confirmed shingles and put me on antiviral tablets and stronge painkillers, 

My partner Skyped me that night saw one look at me and took the next flight home.

my left side of my face was like a balloon the pain was horrendous it started getting so close to my eye very worrying. The aptment that the gp had email through with urgent on seemed to by pass the system at the hospital. 

On Friday 9th I already had an appointment to see my gp for something else, she said the shingles are now infected and put me on antibiotics. shes also did a full blood test get that next Friday.

i chased up the eye clinic and I went last Thursday and he said that I still have live shingles and gave me another dose of antiviral tablets and drops for my eye. He said it does look like it’s damaged my eye. Got to go back for a check up next week. 

My scabs have just about gone, biut it feels like more want to erupt.

feels like something is crawling under my skin.

a lot of nerve pain and teeth and gums are still numb. And the top quarter of my left side of my face also feels numb.

im 57 and I do thing mine is stress related. 

I wouldn’t wish this illness on anybody. 

Im just over 2 weeks in and I know iv still got along way to go yet.

i took a photo of myself every day to see the difference,

i feel your pain if you are going through this. 

Sending hugs to all shingle sufferers 

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19 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Julie

    I suffered from recurring shingles throughout 2017 and found that a multi-disciplinary approach is the only way to cure it.

    I consulted: An immunologist (to check all vitamin levels and conduct a thorough series of tests to pinpoint the underlying cause), a naturopath (to ensure you are taking the correct dosage of supplements to build immunity and following the correct diet), acupuncturist (to assist in building immunity) Chinese herbalist (to assist in building immunity).

    1.       Manuka honey 1 teaspoon with 1 tablespoon of a probiotic rich yoghurt 3 times per day

    2.       Turmeric and black pepper 1 teaspoon 3 times per day with warm skimmed like a cup of tea DO NOT HAVE THIS IF YOU HAVE GALLSTONES

    3.       Black seed oil ½ teaspoon twice daily

    4.       Chinese herbs prescribed by a qualified Chinese herbalist twice daily

    5.       Kundalini yoga to build a strong immune system

    6.       Acupuncture twice weekly

    7.       Anti-viral medication prescribed by a doctor WHEN NECESSARY –DO NOT TAKE THE CHINSESE HERBS AND THE MEDICATION AT THE SAME TIME

    8.       7. High doses of vitamin C, zinc, magnesium, vitamin B complex, vitamin D

    9.       A 500ml freshly squeezed juice with carrot, celery, beetroot, ginger, lemon, watermelon, kale and spinach

    10.    Avoid foods high in arginine and eat foods high in lysine


    I haven’t has an outbreak since December 2017

    • Posted

      Thank you for your reply and advice. 

      So glad that you haven’t had another attack 

      I have been keeping off the foods that feed the virus. 

      My gp has done full bloods and I get the results on Friday., 

      With it being on my face I have read so many horror stories than I will be more at risk of having a stroke.

      I suffer from health anxiety and on A/Ds for that. I will do all I can and afford for it not to hopefully come back again 

  • Posted

    I had much the same late last September ...... infected shingles around my right nose, forehead and right eye, and later Post Herpetic Neuralgia. My GP informs me that he has never had a Patient that has had `forever' Shingles; he has 3000 Patients, and 40 years experience. But he does not know when my PHN will end!  I am not a fan of diet/vitamin based remedies; I trust my Doctor much more than that. Currently I take CoCodamol for pain, and 50 mg of Amitripyline at night. Do make sure you get the thorough Ophthalmic follow up on your eye. All the best, Colin, England.

    • Posted

      Thank you for your reply Colin.

      Can I ask do you work? 

      This is going to be my second week off and I’m under pressure to return because one of my colleagues has just handed in her notice. 

      Has I am now I cannot think about going back, I’m finding it hard to do anything let alone work. 

      Also was your face swollen after your scabs had gone.  Ano it’s early days but the numbness and  nerve pain is driving me mad. 

      Was your eye ok. Sorry for the questions but just want to know that all the symptoms iv got is normal. 

      Thank you and kind regards 

    • Posted

       Oh, and I did lose 22 pounds in weight ........ just did not feel hungry. Colin, England.
    • Posted

      Hi Colin

      I'm glad the anti-virals worked for you; they didn't for me. As a result, my doctor, whom I trust implicitly, was open-minded enough to suggest further investigation by an immunologist and treatments by alternative practitioners. Luckily, the alternative treatments worked for me without side effects. After months of suffering I was prepared to try anything. I couldn't be happier with the outcome. I am sharing my experience in the hope it will help others that have endured a similar plight.

      Ruby Oxford UK

    • Posted

      Shingles seems so varied as to its effects. I am a retired Professional Engineer, (B Sc, ex M I Mech E) so I always look to Science as my starting point. I also had cancer 40 years ago, and a minor stroke 2 years ago. No two Medics ever seem to have the same view, unless they currently defer to UK NICE re the costs of prescribing drugs. I am pleased that you found a treatment that suits you........regards, Colin
    • Posted

      I also lost 22 lbs.  That must be the magic number with shingles, as I read another gentleman’s comment that he did as well.  I still don’t have much of an appetite and nothing tastes the same since my taste buds appear to have been permanently altered.  The weight loss was the only good thing about having shingles.
    • Posted

       Hi Andrea.

      Two things have affected my `food transit system'. 1) I am a endoscopy diagnosed Coeliac; it only took 13 years to get that diagnosis !  2) Then, two years ago, I had a colonoscopy camera from the other end, which meant a session on Macrogol, so I was really `flushed through'. I now take the pain killer CoCodamol, which causes constipation :-(   Anyhow the Shingles has changed what I now want to eat, as the right side upper jaw still feels a bit numb ........  YMMV.  But I do agree that 22 lb weight loss is probably the only positive outcome of Shingles :-)      Regards, Colin, England.

  • Posted

    I’m so sorry you had to go through this!  After my experience and reading of others’ with a medical community that just doesn’t get it, I feel like there is so much that needs to be studied regarding shingles.  Very rarely do you hear about someone having the “textbook case”!  All I can say is rest...  It took a good 12 weeks for me to feel somewhat human again.  I’m still fighting fatigue and taste alterations (mine was in my mouth).  
    • Posted

      Hi Andrea. 

      Thank you for replying. 

      The roof of my mouth is sore and red also but I cannot see any blister. 

      My face is still swollen and my scabs have gone. But iv constantly got a headache. But think that is the nerve ending that’s causing headache like symptoms. 

      I don’t know how long I should take off work. Under pressure to return from the boss. Also she doesn’t pay sick pay. 

      People think you are well because the spots have gone but don’t realise what’s hidden under the skin. 

      Hope you soon fully recovered. 

      Kind regards Julie 

    • Posted

      I carnt bare the light at the moment either.

      im just hoping I get some feeling back in my face soon.

      it can rear it’s ugly head anywhere on the body. 

      take good care of yourself and hopefully we all we stay shingle free.


  • Posted

    Hi Julie - I am retired, so work is not a problem for me.  My right eye surrounding skin became inflamed, then scabbed and swelled up, so I could only had a 50% `aperture'. I was given anti-histamines to help get the swelling down. The eyeball itself checked out OK. I was very weak in the first couple of weeks, it once took me 20 minutes get out of bed, and I am not a frail guy. The other really nasty one was the `Taser' pain for about a week. This can leave you on the floor in pain. Once the scabs declined, I was still fatigued for a couple of weeks. I was told by another Consultant that facial shingles was the worst; and that Doctors don't really know what to do, apart from anti-virals and painkillers. I hope you recover faster than me ! Regards, Colin, England.

    • Posted

      Thank you Colin.

      yes iv heard that face shingles and that area is the worst to have.

      iv got strange sensation like aliens are trying to burst out of my cheek.

      sounds like you had it bad. 

      There is a shingles vaccine but at 57 I’m to young, lol. Any excuse I think.

      but I’m going to ask all the same.

      you take care and wishing you good health 

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