Nighttime Anxiety/ whooshing feeling kicking me out of sleep.

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So im new here but wanted to ask if anyone here has ever dealt or currently dealing with the same issue and if they found a video on youtube or spook to a DR or theropist that gave them good info that helped them. I will always be peaceful at night with just a bit of anxiety in the back of my mind about having the whooshing feeling come over me and wake me up but it is not bad to where it keeps me up. I will feel very tired and at peace and as im about to fall asleep not quit awake but not quit asleep i will feel this weird sensation in my head almost like a small shot of adrenenalin and my body will get this sensation shortly after its almost like a whoosh feeling over me and it will kick me out of sleep. after i wake up i can feel my heart beating a bit faster than normal. These sensations have levels to them some hit hard and i feel it much worse and other times it happens with less intensity and i can try and fall back asleep but always waking up just after 1-2 hours of sleep. i will stay awake for an hour or 2 because it seems like im alert and will fall back asleep only to wake again in 1-3 hours. I have been dealing with this for 10 days now and because it has happened so much i have developed a anxiety of going to sleep in fear it will happen again. I do suffer from covid PTSD but have been making very good strides to overcoming it. Through the day time i don't feel like im having anxiety issues or attacks but always seem to have issue at night. I am so tired through the days with constant headaches now most likely caused by not sleeping well and have tried everything from better night time sched. no caffine at all, trazadone medication, and even meditation. I ave 3-4 hours of sleep broken up into 1-2 hour increments through night and even morning till 11pm. I did have 1 somewhat good night sleeping 8 hours but cut into 3 hours - 4 hours and 1 hour in morning after praying and wow that made a huge difference the next day, although God is misterious in his ways and i do continue to struggle most nights. Has anyone found what this could be or have a you tube video that helped them or advise given to them that helped? Please let me know. Because im to the point now where I want to try xanax or valum to see if that helps.


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