Nissan fuldicapation
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Hi everyone last October I under went the above operation I followed the diet for six weeks after this I didn't find the healing or anything that problematic however straight after I did start getting diarriah but was told it was my stomach getting used to the op then after this it still didn't get better until this date not much has changed! Since the op I've been told I had dumping syndrome,gas bloating syndrome, nerve damage,ibs etc I have had one endoscopy which showed I had gastric interightous also I tested positive for h pylori ( third time) and was told I have the start of ulcers! I then had a colonoscopy was told my vowels were all ok and normal!
I went to see my consultant yesterday he said I now have two options one is total reversal of op the other is to have it loosend has anyone had this done or can shed any light on what the op is how long what's involved etc? Please help I am Pretty desperate as I feel like my toilet habits have made me a prisoner of my own life I am only 28 and am to scared to be far away from the toilet as anything can trigger me off even water
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Sunchild Braker87
I hope someone will be out there to support you. Best of luck. sunchild
adam31057 Braker87
Little rant first as am sure you felt like saying this, sun child why reply with no help at all apart from to tell everyone your fine arse.
Right brakers are you having any others symptoms, like cramping in your stomach, back pains, problems with testiscles ?
Only ask as had my op 8 months ago and just about getting to bottom of similar issue
Braker87 adam31057
adam31057 Braker87
So it sounds like bowel adhesion to me, your doctor was kind of on the right track with ibs as any surgery on stomach will cause a flare up but if you have had it for some time after surgery then it might be worth asking question, unfortunately adhesions don't show up on any tests or scans unless they are of some size. Even the smallest adhesion can give you the symptoms your describing which mimic ibs sysmtoms. In the mean time try buscapan for ibs as will settle your stomach and at least give you some quality of life back until your doctor or surgeon decide a course of action
Braker87 adam31057
adam31057 Braker87
Braker87 adam31057
adam31057 Braker87
andrew62131 Braker87
the correct pronounciation for your op is Nissun Fundoplication. the procceedure involves wrapping your stomach(fundas) around your osoephagus like wrapping a scarf around your neck. to tighten the valve at the bottom of your osoephagus by altering the position of your stomach you can get side effects e.g. gas bloat dumping symdrome , diarrhoea, etc. whether your proceedure was carried out by laproscope or open op it is still a major op.there is a possibility that the if the valve is tightened at the top of your stomach you may not burp a lot and the gas can only go one way down through your bowels. i would have expected your diarrhoea to have cleared up after 8 months. check with your doc as the colonoscopy proves that there is nothing wrong with your bowels. and your stomach should be settled after 8 months?you need to find out if your vagus nerve has been damaged during surgery which causes you to have a condition called functional dysmotility disorder of the stomach as a result of your op. it may be the case that your stomach is not functioning properly due to this post op condition . i have had 4 nissun fondoplication operations and i was left with functional dysmotility disorder of the stomach . which causes the stomach to empty slowly therefore your digestive process is delayed .it would be worthwhile getting a test done to see if you have this problem. to explain more clearly if the vagus nerve is damaged it affects the stomach working properly causing delayed emptying of your stomach which causes chronic diarhoea. i sympathise with you i have been running to the toilet for the past 11 years with chronic diarhoea. i had to give up work . i am waiting to see a gastroenterologist i m not saying you have the same condition as me but it would be prudent to get your symptoms checked out as this problem is common with the type of surgery you have had done. you need to get checked out properly be assertive and request tests to be done. it will at least put your mind at rest.
as some one who has had a lot of surgery i would not recommend you have a reversal proceedure as you had this opin the first place to cure symptoms? and to make your quality of life better. you may not feel today that it has been the case with your toilet problems in the short term immodium would help you control your can get meds from your doc to cure your h pylori stomach bugs.
if your diarhoea is very watery and explosive and you have stomach cramps you have chronic diarrhoea.which can be treated with immodium but you still need to find out the cause.
to tighten the valve at the top of your stomach is a very hard to get right by the surgeon as the wrap is either to tight or to loose id if it to lose you end up with reflux which you dont want and if it is totight it can cause prolems with swallowing and food entering the stomach .
if you need any more advice you feel free to ask.
Braker87 andrew62131
Yes I have been told that possibly I could have damage to the vagus nerve but nothing has been set in stone yet! The colonoscopy has come back normal so there saying its more stomach related! I've had the treatment for the infection I'm just waiting now for a retest to see if it's gone! I am currently taking liquid Imodium but it doesn't always help me no matter how much I take!
I also cannot work Cus of the op and the bowel problems it has taken over my life