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Has anyone ever been on this drug and has become naucious and clammy. Have been on this before and never had a reaction. I have a hard time tolerating any drug but was always ok with this one. called the Dr and she told me not to stop it but to eat yogurt with it. This morning still feel naucious and clammy. Urine analysis in office showed a IT I. N ow waiting for result from lab. just getting these UTIs too often.Maybe the pessiary can cause these infections.Had bladder problems for years. It really wears on me.

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11 Replies

  • Posted

    Nitrofurantoin can cause some nasty side effects; I guess the yoghurt is to help replace good bacteria that it knocks out. You can look up common problems that people get with drugs on sites such as RxISK. Beware of being offered Cipro or any other fluoroquinolone instead - the side effects from these can be very much worse!

    Have you tried taking daily cranberry juice to keep UTIs at bay? Or, if it's an E/Coli that's causing a recurrent problem you may need to use D Mannose for 6 weeks or so.

  • Posted

    I took a course of this for a suspected UTI, which I finished last Thursday.

    Felt fine when I was taking it, but became very nauseous last Saturday and still feel like it a week later. They then issued me a prescription for Cipro, which I looked up and decided not to take.

    Another doctor said she didn't think I had a UTI in the first place, pain around the urethra more than likely to be caused by the lichen sclerosus.

  • Posted

    i ended up in hospital taking this

    drug had excatly same symtoms !!

    look it up on FORUMS etc it effects your liver

    luckly i am ok and liver is back to normal

    i had taken it before with no problems

  • Posted

    I'm an RN and also been suffering from UTIs my whole life. Antibiotics kill all the good bacteria in your stomach and suppress your immune system to fight infections naturally, that is why you're feeling sick and the antibiotics become less and less helpful. You should stop taking them and take the natural D-mannose supplement on the daily basis. I have UTI's maybe 2-3 per month without D-mannose and 0 if I take it daily! It will keep flushing all the bacteria out of your bladder and stop it from adhering in the first place. Also, please purchase a good probiotic supplement to replace the good bacteria into your body in order to heal and feel better. P.S Did you ever look into the underlying problem/health issue that causes your UTI in the first place? I was clueless about where my came from until my gyno told me I had Bacterial vaginosis which causes my chronic UTIs, very often women don't have any symptoms of vaginal infections but in fact whatever is in there can enter your bladder and cause a UTI.

    • Posted

      I take a good probiotic and also take D Mannose (but only take one a day) Maybe I should take more. Is one brand different than another?Waiting for culture to come back from the lab.This happened 3 months ago and the antibiotic did nothing. Turned out I had a yeast infection. Other times when they thought I had an infection, culture came back negative. Dr made an appointment with me to discuss this as I get them too often. I have a pessiary so wonder if this could be causing these infections.If they take it out , my bladder has prolapsed and she didnt really want to do surgery.Im 82 and really dont want surgery.

      Thanks for your help.

  • Posted

    Pessiary and yeast infection could definitely trigger UTIs. Taking one D-mannose pill per day is not enough-you need to take 3 pills once per day for general maintenance and 3 pills 2-3 times per day for severe UTIs. Personally I love "Now" brand of D mannose. Also, 16 oz of cranberry juice per day can help but since this can get expensive you can buy Azo cranberry pills and 1 per day equals about 2 glasses of juice. A wonderful natural antibiotic for chronic UTIs is goldenseal supplement, it is antibacterial, anti macrobial and kills any candida or yeast in the body. Also, uvi ursa supplement can be taken daily to ward off UTI infections in women!

  • Posted

    results from lab came back negative.Guess the medicine was making me sick.Dr seeing me tomorrow to do an internal to see if I have a yeast infection. then I have an appt next week to discus if I should remove the pessiary if this could be causing these infections. A few drs said surgery might not help and sometimes cause you to be incontinent. I wonder if there is anything else I can do. I take probiotics, azo to prevent yeast infections and many other vitamins.

    • Posted

      just returned from Dr. she didn't see any signs of yeast and sent it for a culture. then I meet with the Dr next week. this has been going on for so long and I'm so disgusted. I don't understand why the urine shows an infection and then the culture comes back negative. really don't know what else to do.

  • Posted

    Just returned from Dr.Dr did not see any signs of yeast but sent it out for a culture.The dip stick showed an infection., This has happened numerous time,. Dr sees infection with dipstick, then it comes back negative from the lab. Ive been reading up on this and now Im worried that I have bladder cancer. I did have a cyscopthy a few years back and dr said i had cystitis.When i had my check up this year he said the culture and cytology were all ok so he didnt have to do cyscopathy. Im really anxious to see what the gyn says and what she suggests.

  • Posted

    I'm taking Nitrofurantoin for 2 years. Most of time I have the same side effects. But always continue to take it. The medication helps against bacteria. It is good for broad spectrum of bacteria. It i's the only one medication which helps me. MD prescribed it 50 mg q day for 3 months like profilactic but in acute UTI is usually prescribed bid 100 mg.

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