No gall bladder question
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My friend and I have no gall bladder. We are both experiencing some major menopause symptoms and we both are 52. Does anyone know if this could be a contributer to having more symptoms than others experiencing this craziness? Any answers are appreciated.
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Guest crystals51917
I started experiencing severe symptoms at 51. Had all kinds of tests and the only thing they could find was my gall bladder looked diseased so it was removed. But it didn't make any difference.
crystals51917 Guest
Wow! I haven't had a gallbladder in years. THANK YOU for Responding! X
Guest crystals51917
I am 62 years old now and lost my gallbladder back in the day when it was major surgery came out with 37 staples! I was almost 21 years old.
crystals51917 Guest
Hello, mines has been removed years ago as well. I didn't know if not having one made things worse for ladies in meno. I'm so glad to have you ladies to talk to. Thank you for responding. X
katyD211 crystals51917
Hi Crystal...I had my gallbladder removed 3 years ago. My feeling is that the meno shift in hormones caused my digestive issues that led to the stones and subsequent removal. So that problem is gone but I still have other digestive issues like gassy gut,constipation/loose stool, sour stomach,acid reflux. I still its the meno that's doing all this.
crystals51917 katyD211
Wow KATY, that's just me too. loose stools sour stomach, acid reflux and the other meno symptoms. UGH! My gallbladder has been out for so many years however; I wasn't sure if not having one made menopause symptoms worse since they are. THANK YOU! X