No joking matter
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hello ladies i have no clue of life anymore . I had my period 4 days ago and during that time i was ill with dizziness , acid an serious anxiety. Now period is over am still dizzy and acid is there. Tell me ladies if this is normal?
I cannot function normally and am scared of everything. Talking to myself and reaching no where fast.Help!
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Nettie261962 wendy36287
Hang on tight! It's all part of this crummy menopause. I'm dizzy all the time, anxious (bad!), scared feeling too and over all unwell feeling. This all makes me so mad and sad. I started menopause at age 48. I turn 57 in a few days. I had night and day sweats up until 3 years ago and then the dizzy spells started. Now off balance 24/7 and strange head spells and horrid anxiety attacks though out the day. I also have bad migraines every day both silent (causing dizziness) and regular migraines (pain). This forum has been a God send. Keep in touch with all if these awesome ladies! Helps to know we are not alone. I just started yoga btw... and it really is helping with my balance and the irritability.
pam90720 Nettie261962
ditto here with everthing you said, Nettie!!! Im going to try yoga for the off balance... take care my friend
Kadija1966 wendy36287
I get anxiety, acid reflux, feel I have no life sometimes. Its really depressing and I know how you feel. I take evening primrose tablets, vitamin d tablets. It helps a little. Feels like after a period it gets worse. I didn't have a period for 3months and I was fine. I had one this month and OMG it brings back all this menopause hell with it.
You are not alone hun, ask your doctor for some omeprazole for the acid. It helps as I take them too. Try to exercise to help with he anxiety. I go for walks with my dogs it helps.
maddysmom2015 wendy36287
Hi Wendy,
I feel exactly the way you do! Screaming, crying, dizzy, terrified of the ringing phone or the pimple I convince myself is melanoma. It is all part of having peri. And it is way worse during/right after a period.
Have you had your iron tested? Some of your symptoms, dizziness, low energy, and anxiety, can be many things. But since these feelings have come right after significant blood loss, it might be worth checking.
Love you! XXOO
wendy36287 maddysmom2015
Aww! u r too sweet thanks a lot i will try.
rebecca_68782 wendy36287
Sounds like my day today and my period is due to come, I think. It has started coming irregularly or too much. I am so tired of the dizziness, acid reflux and horrible anxiety. Hope it passes soon. I am going on 6 years.
maddysmom2015 rebecca_68782
Sounds like you are really struggling this month right before your period. So sorry! But we are here for you! I had a really bad one this month too. So I feel your pain.