No Libido

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Hello Ladies,

Let me be the first to say, I used to absolutely love sex. I couldn't get enough of it. Since all these symptoms started happening to me, the last thing on my mind is sex.

I feel so bad because my partner has been so patient and understanding through this chaios. He has been trying to to go out and be intimate and I have been avoiding him when it comes to that. I think he is catching on. I feel extremely bad do avoiding him but I'm just not ready. I don't know what to do.

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15 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Jamie I could have written this! In fact I was planning to write about it this morning. I do feel very sorry for my partner. He is getting desperate. Let alone not wanting to make love I am not even interested in helping him in some ways. All I want is turn my back and sleep. Awful situation ! sad You are not alone and he is not alone! !!
    • Posted

      I feel so awful sometimes. He has made so many attempts to be intimate and I shoot it down. I'm just not interested. I want to try for him but I just can't right now.
    • Posted

      All I can say is that is one thing I do enjoy I am hoping this perimenpause doesn't rob me of that too! I have enough symptoms if you really just can't my suggestions is to really talk. To your partner to let them know it has nothing to do with them and this is something we can't control I feel bad for you because as you said you loved sex maybe talk to your dr to see if there is anything you can do to change it?
    • Posted

      That's exactly what I'm going to do. I'm going to talk to him. I better do it on a day that I'm not so emotional because I am a crybaby today haha. I'm going to talk to my doc about it.
    • Posted

      Hiya  Totally get you,  Been in that very situation, and in fact I couldn't even get my thoughts in order to fantasise to improve things!  No interest at all.  My GP has prescribed me Tibolone ( Livial) form of HRT for menopausal symptoms and it is supposed to be really good for Libido.  Haven't plucked up the courage to try it yet but it may be worth a try.  Good luck x
  • Posted


    I can relate in a way I was like a teenage boy always I have to say my libido has gone down slightly which is one symptom I really don't have but I do understand not being in the mood when your going thru this! If for some shocking reason I'm not in the mood I make a effort to help my husband out not to be graphic i have showed my husband to help him understand better the symptoms of menopause so he doesn't think I'm insane even tho I feel like I'm going insane at times my husband was appalled at all those symptoms was very supportive thank god sometimes when I don't think I'm in the mood I make an attempt at it and it actually will make me feel better if that makes sense thank god we have these boards where we can share and vent as well

    • Posted

      I have explained some of what's going in with me but not fully. I do feel I owe it to him to explain a little further. I want to get back to the intimate part of our relationship but I'm just not there yet. But I'm going to try to do something.
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      Sometimes when we haven't done anything in a while whatever it is we kinda forget how much we enjoy it ya know what I mean I can't get over how much my mind and body has changed over the last year that's why I talked to my husband to let him know if I'm acting or being a certain way it has nothing to do with him it's me he is understanding more as time goes on its difficult I'm sure many women here can relate to you there are only a few symptoms I don't have but I have sooo many of them they started out subtly and the last year they are full blast ughhh hang in there it will get better

    • Posted

      You are so right. I didn't realize just how much my life has changed in 5 months time. I was having subtle symproms for about 3 years already and didn't realize it. The harder of it just came about. Im learning how to cope but it really is tough. I never had a problem with being intimate and just realizing that I have really been avoiding it. Just want all this to be over.
  • Posted

    my libido in early peri went very high, but for the past two years, my libido has been non existent, luckily for me, my libido use to be higher than my husbands, so were about even now..............ha my friend went on HRT and hers came back straight away, as soon as she stopped taking it, it went again, dr wouldnt put her back on it, there are alternative meds we can take for that, i started to think, the last thing i want to sought is my sex life 34 years married, it just wasnt at the top of my list with dealing with everything else. 
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      Mines is non existent right now. I'm just no where near interested. I will talk to my partner and hopes he understands
  • Posted

    Hi Jamie,

    It was one of my bug bears.

    I don't know what stage you are at but in early peri I found horny goat weed helped. I used a few, the strongest ones worked best but could give me a dodgy stomach.

    Then post meno zero libido nothing helped plus so dry inside sex felt like he was wearing razor blades.

    I'm on bio identical HRT and I buy testosterone online and take tribulus tetris.

    We have returned to our old ways, and have sex most evenings. It's better, I have interest and orgasms again.

    Now if only I could sleep after things would be near perfect.

    • Posted

      I was already in it for about 3 years. I just started experiencing the hard symptoms about 5 months ago. I never heard of horny goat weed but it sounds like it's worth a shot. It's to the point that I just have no interest at all.
    • Posted

      Mine went from uninterested to hating it. It became so painful and did nothing for me whatsoever.

      There are a few others I think macca is one I thought of getting also yohimbe.

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