No Menstrual Cycle for One Year and Three Months...Surprise!
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I am 53 years old and have not had a period for a year and three months. At my last chechup at my GYN,I was informed that I looked to be on my way with Menopause. I had no symptoms of a period coming. Then on Saturday night, I discovered pinkish/red vaginal bleeding upon cleaning myself after urinating, I was very startled by this. I some after started having minor pains near my pelvic area which shortly went away. I woke up this morning and check myself to only find a slight brownish reminiscence of the end of a period although short lived.
I am concerned and think I should check this out with my GYN. Am I over reacting?
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annsproject kelly16365
No you're not over reacting. Many women often get the same pinkish bleeding 2 plus years after their final period. There can be different reasons causing it. There is a big chance there is nothing to worry about. Its best to see your obgyn and he/she may want to run some tests. I just had the same thing after 8 years no period. Mine was due to a polyp on my uterus and the obgyn removed it n it tested negative for cancer. It also can be your body showing one last period. Welcome to menopause.
kelly16365 annsproject
That you for the reassurrance. I will be making an appointment tomorrow first thing just to be on the safe side. In the meanwhile, I will try not to be negative. We have to be the ambassador of my own health. Thanks for being here and taking the time to give your insight.
dee49918 kelly16365
I recently had a period after none for a year. I was given an ultrasound which showed a minor thickening to my womb so had to have a hysteroscopy where 3 polyps were removed. The consultant said that the polyp could have caused the bleed but I had tender breasts for a few days previous to the little bleed so I was kind of expecting it.
If you read these forums you will see that this happens an awful lot so early into what we think is postmenopause when in actual fact we are still perimenopause.
I really wouldn't fret over it but do tell your gp as he or she will probably say the same as 15 months is not very long at all. Some ladies get a period two to three years after the last one and it's usually a little flurry of hormones. You are very young still and could even get another one or two still.
kelly16365 dee49918
Thanks for your response. I do feel better about it now and will have myself checked out. I will go into this in a positive mindset. Have a wonderful day!
kathleen69032 kelly16365
kelly16365 kathleen69032
Interestingly you were told that you are NOT menopausal due to your test results? I can see why you say who knows what's going on! I will be going in to see my doctor and prayfully I will ge some real answers and necessary remedy for my issue. Other than the bleeding, which has already stopped, I feel okay. I stopped having terrible night sweats and Hot flashes a month and 1/2 ago.
I wish you great health and news with your procedures when you have them. Try not to worry and keep your mood up as I will do the same.
kathleen69032 kelly16365
kelly16365 kathleen69032
Sochima822 kelly16365
Menopausal bleeding is very common, such that it could last up to 10 years once you started going into menopause to have hormone decreasing symptoms. The perils of being a woman with menopausal symptoms. Sigh.