No motivation/ foggy mood.. help Perimenopause

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Hello,  this is jennifer I am 51 years old and a stay at home mom with two young children. I am very blessed for my husband and my children in my home. However my doctor told me I am in perimenopause. One of the things that has me very upset is just a feeling of not being able to get motivated to want to do anything. Thinking about going out makes me very edgy and it takes me very long to get motivated to start to do anything including Housework. I am on two different medications for anxiety and I haven’t been working as much because it is cold and the winter where I live. Can anyone please help me with this situation I would appreciate the advice thank you

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9 Replies

  • Posted

    I meant walking not working
    • Posted

      Hi Jennifer .. yes those awful symptoms of Peri ... I had lots of symptoms in mine, but the symptoms you have came when I was Post Meno! I have been post Meno now for seven years. The anxiety finding it hard to do anything going out was really bad for me just wanted to stay in. HRT was the answer for me, I know everyone to their own but my quality of life was rubbish. Quality of life is so important.
  • Posted

    I'm not sure I will be a help, but I can relate.  I am 55 and have just reached menopause.  I feel the same way, I do not want to do anything, do not want to see anyone, I am extremely anxious and I cannot even do simple household chores.  

    I also take an anti anxiety med.  

    I have posted this before, but the emotional symptoms of menopause or worse then any of the others.  

    Plus my two children are early twenties and not home, so I have another level of missing them, severe empty nest syndrome.  


  • Posted

    I feel exactly the same at the moment. Everything is an effort. I dont want to do anything or see anyone. I just want to be by myself. Normally I am quite an outgoing person, hate time alone, and love socializing. Not any more!! Now I hate the idea that someone might ask me to do something. I dont even want to spend time with him indoors. I just want to be on my own!!!! No motivation, no energy and no interest in anything :-( 
  • Posted

    I wish I had some advice for you.  Hopefully it is a comfort to know you are not alone.  I am also a stay at home mom.  I only have one teenager left at home.  It takes every bit of energy that I don’t have to do the things I need to do for him.  He is very busy and plays sports.  So, I get to enjoy watching the other moms who don’t feel as wretched as me laugh and socialize together.  It is very depressing.  I also take medicine for anxiety and depression.  I could literally stay on the couch or in bed watching tv 24/7 most of the time.  I do have an occasional “good” day.  I am very blessed to have a new home.  But, I have no motivation to decorate bc I hate to go out shopping.  I buy as much online as possible.  Walking does help some, but same here it’s been too cold ((hugs))
  • Posted

    Hi I also can relate to your story. I rarely socialize - also blessed by having a good partner, no children, busy job. I work and come home thats about it. I have lost sight of whether its depression - i dont mind being indoors. I go places on my own at the weekends and make sure its somewhere really nice / shops etc. Try pushing your boundaries a little and gravitate towards influences you really like whether its cookery, watching travel programs etc. I think it gets worse when we stop socializing but I too have a huge inertia. I do see it as temporary though and not forever. I did go out today driving with my partner but couldnt go where I wanted to due to anxiety but got half way!  I found coaxing myself to do small steps helps. And include lots of nice things. The light is improving now in London which helps. 
  • Posted

    Hi Jennifer. I'm 42 years old and also perimenopause with a 3 year old.

    The past couple of weeks for me have been particularly tough. Low blood pressure, light headedness and fatigue have floored me. It's been a real struggle to go out and about because of these symptoms but somehow I have mustered the strength.

    I'm so used to living my life at full speed and being very active but this spell has literally floored me. I'm a very determined and strong willed person so I don't and refuse to give into these horrendous symptoms.

    Small steps and a positive outlook help. I've recently downloaded the Headspace app on my phone which is helpful meditation techniques and have found this really helpful. If anything it's relaxing and very cakming.

    Perimenopause can be frightening, lonely and isolating at times but talking and using this forum helps.

    I hope this has been helpful

    Dora x

    • Posted

      Hello Dora, thank you so much for your story. This is a hard journey and the hardest is not having the motivation to do much of anything. But this won’t last forever.  I will try the meditation you mentioned and thank you for your reply. God Bless
  • Posted

    Its so important to get your hormones checked; and by someone who knows what they are doing.  Usually it is by saliva or urine on any of days between 19-21 of your cycle.  At any rate, you might find otc progestrone will help...all women having peri symptoms are low in progesterone.  You wouldn't want to take estrogen without testing however.    Try looking up Dr. Lee and progesterone.  

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