No Period..... Just Spotting!
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Hi all...
I feel like I’m never off this forums boring you all with my on going saga... sorry 😢
Ok, several months ago a I had spotting between periods... had Pap test, US, bloods... everything was fine. The spotting then stopped and everything was ‘normal’ for a few months... expect my anxiety levels that were pitching at an all time high, and still are!
Anyway, this month my period has been non existent, just very, very light spotting, almost nothing, I’ve still had the tender breasts and sore back, just literally no blood.... I’m 39, is this normal?
I’m almost at the stage that I feel ever week there is something else... my bloods have been taken twice and are totally fine but I am seeing a gyno in January, more to give me some peace of mind my doctors says than anything else.
I’ve had anxiety for several years now but the last 6 mi the it’s been horrendous and anything that isn’t completely ‘normal ‘ I totally freak out at.
So, is a super light period ok...???
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jo4848 alice1209
You and me both!
Mine spotting has calmed down now but only because I stopped running which is depressing me so much.
And I'm slightly envious of the spotting instead of a period as mine are still heavy and as you know, I'd spot in between, especially if I exercise.
Twice now they've attempted to remove a polyp but it's in a hard to reach place so need to go back in Jan to discuss options. Don't want to go under general anaesthetic so might have to have spinal to get rid of the sodding thing and hope that this would put a stop to it.
This has taken over my life. I've always been a strong, confident person but the past 6 months have been so hard, constantly checking if I'm spotting again and fearing the worst.
Keep me posted! xx
alice1209 jo4848
I was actually thinking about you whilst writing my post!
My spotting has stopped between periods , but this month my period is just spotting,
which I’m sure is hormonal ( what else), but still freaks me out... I want everything to be ‘normal’.... I think I’ll get another US just to check then see the Gyno in January..
It’s just never ending isn’t it.... that’s rotten that they can’t get to the polyp, why is everything so sodding complicated... all of this is of course sending my bloody anxiety sky high... ☹️
Let me know how it goes! Xxx
alice1209 jo4848
Today after posting, my actual period started... so for the last week I’ve been having spotting .... geez, and so it starts again!!
On reading up on it (again) it says it’s pretty common , as the hormone levels drop again.... I think I’ll get yet another transvaginal scan, to yet again ease my mind....and I’m seeing the gyno in I suppose I just have to get on with it until then!☹️
jo4848 alice1209
Ha, exactly the same with me this month!!
I had the second attempt to remove that polyp on the 15th. Had some bleeding for a few days. Had a few clear days, then some watery very light pink spotting and then I thought my period had started 4 days early but it was suspiciously light. This lasted 4-5 days, more than spotting but not enough compared to my normal periods. For a few days I thought this might be it, they are finally getting lighter but then a proper period started which is still going now. So I am on day 9 now since the sporting/light bleeding started and it's still going although not heavy . I have had enough, just want it all gone!
Everyone says it's hormones and it changes from month to month but I am soooo fed up with this and want to cry all the time.
Let me know how you get on x
alice1209 jo4848
I suppose to rule out anything sinister they may end up doing a biopsy, but my doctor has said that he firmly believes it’s all about the hormones but he will ask a gyno for a second that why you had a biopsy?
jo4848 alice1209
If they take a polyp out they always send it off for a biopsy so yes. Although she couldn't do it properly the first time, there was enough to send and this came back fine. The second attempt was also sent off and please don't stress if you have to have one done- it hardly hurt and that's coming from me!
Cillablack alice1209
alice1209 Cillablack
I had the spotting for a few months too and had everything checked and there was nothing... hormonal they said, these bloody hormones are a nightmare!😩
Cillablack alice1209