No Period since 17th October
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Hi ladies i am a little worried, my last period was 17th Oct i am nearly 48 (in 3 months) i have had fluctuating periods for a couple of years from 21 days to 36 days between periods plenty of spotting and one period that lasted 27 days in march but, never gone this long. I have never had a hot flush but get very sweaty sometimes at night and been drenched twice last year. I am feeling a little nauseous at times and dizzy and fuzzy headed. I occassionally feel like i may have a period but, nothing so i get anxious. I last had sex 30th october using a condom and was was fine but, no period i am worried because of the nausea which is not all the time and not just in a morning that i could be pregnant. i have taken 2 tests both negative. I read these are accurate for positive tests but less reliable for negative tests. I dont want a baby my children are adults besides i take medications that would cause harm to an unborn child what should i do i am so worried. Should i go to my GP?
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jamie53221 amanda59745
Hi Amanda, It sounds descriptive of Perimenopause. Definitely see your Ob/Gyn to relieve your mind, however, WELCOME to the club!
elizabeth142 amanda59745
Hi Amanda
it sounds very like to me you have gone to the menopause. Thats how mine was. spotting then nothing, it does feel like you will have one, then theres nothing.
i got mine at 49-50 so yes it is called perimenopause. it can carry on for about 10 years, the doctor told me.
elizabeth x
sharcerv52408 amanda59745
Hi Amanda!
I just went through the same thing not long ago. Back in October my period came on the 9th and lasted the normal six days. Then I waited around for my next period which a whole whopping 45 days to arrive. I am usually every 21-25 days. I thought I was pregnant too especially since during that time I was nauseous, bloated and kept feeling movements in my stomach. But lo and behold a period came later on. I think our bodies are just practicing for that inevitable day when our periods cease completely. It just keeps spacing further and further apart . To answer your question, definitely go see a doctor . I did and she ran some tests to see if I'm entering menopause, I'm awaiting the results . It will ease your mind to know where you are.
amanda59745 sharcerv52408
Thank you for your reply its been 52 days since my last period i will go and see my GP next week i cannot stand this worry my anxiety is through the roof xxxx
sharcerv52408 amanda59745
You're welcome. We are helpers to each other on this site.
LouiseScotland amanda59745
HI Amanda, welcome to the fun club!
As the other replies have said, this sounds like you are heading towards menopause, and I went though exactly the same thing.
All this nonsense started when I was 46, and my final period was just before I was 53 (now nearly 56, hallelujah!). When I was exactly your age I went a whopping 71 days without a period - I wasn't overly worried at first because I didn't FEEL pregnant but finally went to see my GP. She wasn't remotely concerned and told me to go back if I were still worried in another week or two. On the way home I got a pregnancy test, and did it as soon as I got home. It was negative. The same evening guess what happened? Yep, my period started. Honestly, you couldn't make it up.
Apart from very erratic periods (11 months between periods at one point when I was 51!) and some erratic spotting towards the end of all this (for which investigations were done and they found no cause at all, everything was fine) the only menopausal symptoms I had were dizziness at random times, and anxiety. The whole thing is just a major pain in the bum, and thankfully it does come to an end. The only thing I still have is anxiety and it is manageable, but other than that all is good.
It's really unlikely that you are pregnant but just pop along to your GP and explain your concerns, and maybe do another test just to be sure. Mother Nature likes to keep us on our toes, that's for sure, but you'll be absolutely fine. Do keep us updated xxx
amanda59745 LouiseScotland
Thank you Louise and everyone else who have taken the time to give me some support, i too have this weird random dizziness and my head feels fuzzy most of the time, like a heavy feeling it is hard to explain. I cant remember what being pregnant was like in my twenties and i never suffered with morning sickness either. I will ring my GP Thursday if the period does not come as i am on annual leave if they need to see me.
I keep telling myself there is no way i can be pregnant but, the anxiety rears its ugly head and makes me nauseous planting the seed that i must be pregnant. Ahhhhh it is driving me crazy. Will keep you posted. xxxxxxx