No restriction with new band

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Hi everyone,

I had my band put in last Saturday 4th April, and although it has only been a week and a half I feel great, I got rid of the gas pains, and have not struggled with any acid or swallowing issues, I haven't vomited at all, if it wasn't for the slight tenderness still where the wounds are, I would not even feel as if I had surgery only a few days ago.

I'm concerned that I feel no restriction in my band, week 1 I followed the liquid diet strictly, slimfast, complan etc, and the start of this week I was starving so I introduced puréed foods, but now I am basically mashing up normal food and eating it with no problems, no uncomfort.

I'm not due for a fill until May and I'm worried im not going to lose anything, but I couldn't cope with the same slimfast and clear soups, the thought of them was making me feel sick.

Has anyone else experienced no restriction more or less straight away?


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7 Replies

  • Posted

    Oh my god, that's exactly how I have felt!!!! Have had no nausea, vomiting, wind passed by bout day 7, have 5 wounds, only 2 of which were painful but by day 4 I was pretty much off the pain meds. Im 3 wks post band op now btw. I pretty much did same as u with the foods, couldn't cope with the shakes so did kinda sped things up after bout 10days, had soft foods and was having proper meals after bout 15 days and it's all going well. My 1st fill is May 11th, have felt minimal restriction, had quite minimal weight loss post op have prob lost bout 7lb, despite having small meals, my daily intake is a fraction of what I would normally eat. But I'm not hungry, so it's all good! Good to hear someone with quite similar post op experiences!
    • Posted

      Yes I was exactly the same, and even tho I am eating low carb products like crispbreads and low fat spread cheese, and mashed veg and gravy, basically anything I can mash easily that is low in calories and fat.

      I feel like I'm putting weight on due to eating so little the first week.

      It's tough, I must say I'm looking forward to the first fill now.

  • Posted

    I had my band on the 9th. From what I understand you may get little Restriction until your first fill. You need to eat little and often low cal stuff and use your self control. I feel hungry a lot but will persist. I think you will find things improve after your first fill. So far since I started my liver decreasing diet 2 weeks ago I have lost 11 lbs but it is not easy. Good luck x
  • Posted

    Hi billie I'm 4 weeks in and literally exactly the same I was starting to think i was weird!!! Can't wait for my first fill got it a week on sat . I can literally eat anything except lettuce!! Lol oh the irony 😂 x
  • Posted

    I had my band on the 3rd April and again I am the same. I have been doing the liquids soup and slim fast and OMG I cannot wait to eat some normal food. I have had no discomfort, and find I need to eat every 4 hours, which I suppose isn't bad considering the small portions. I am worried that I'm not losing weight though but I suppose we cannot judge accurately until the band has been adjusted properly. Hope mine turns out to be one of the happy stories you read about and not the horror ones! 😲
  • Posted

    Hi Billie, it sounds like we are in a similar situation. I had my band fitted (NHS) on 31st March. To begin with I wondered whether they had just made the holes in me and forgot to put the band in!!  I was drinking freely within a couple hours of surgery. And I have felt minimal restriction. I was supposed to be on thin fluids for four weeks post op! After two weeks of feeling so hungry I spoke to my dietician who said I could go on to pureed food after 3 weeks...... and I've just eaten a bowl of very thin porridge! Luvverly!  My first post op appointment is in the middle of May, but that is for an assessment rather than my first fill. I so don't want to put back the weight I lost pre-op. The reason for having fluids only is so that nothing can disturb the band in those initial weeks, and so that it can really settle into place. the danger of eating what we are able is that it could put a bit of invisable strain on the band (mine is sutured into place to prevent slippage and those sutures need to really settle). So, for the sake of the future, I think we must be careful....... but there is a limit to how much Slimfast one can tolerate!!  I have had thinned down tinned soups.....seiving out the pieces and they are quite filling. I've also made 'drinks' by liquidising some custard with a couple of tinned peaches and some Actimel......... just to get some variety. Let me know how it goes. And here's hoping that when we have a fill we'll feel a difference!
  • Posted

    I don'T know if this will be any help to you. The clinic in Birmingham where I will be going do their own range of shakes and soups and puréed foods tailored to the needs of a bariatric surgery pt. they are called Weight to go products and can be bought online. The soups are very tasty and tell you how many cals per portion. Makes it much easier. They are a reasonable price too considering you don't have to buy much in. Just a thought to maybe make life a bit more pleasant.


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