No sex drive

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Hi can someone please advice me. I been going thro menopause for 5 months and in livail .my sex drive has completely gone.I am at my witts end.I have said to my gp about it and all she said was because of menopause your libido may never return I just got married in November and only had intercourse 5 times . My hubby is very understanding .we have arranged date night .ect but the feeling of wanting to do anything is not there I don't have any problems with dryness .it's just the sexaul excitment is not there.I asked my gp is she would prescribe testerone but she said no as she never prescient it to a woman. please someone advice me on something which might help

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13 Replies

  • Posted

    Good morning a the husband of someone who is peri menopausal I am at once utterly sympathetic to what you're going through and in admiration of your seeking treatment and counsel from your doctor and your commitment to keeping a date night with your husband. In my humble opinion this is hugely important. Suffering in silence which is what's happening for my wife can lead to detachment in the marriage and nothing good happens in that situation. So my only advice is keep the lines of communication open with your husband. You're in that brand new married couple phase which should make it easier to do. It gets tougher as you go. But the habit you develop today can sustain you in the long run. I'm sending thoughts of postlivity to you both and hope things get better. Hang in there.

    • Posted

      It sounds like your wife is a very lucky woman, Michael! Hope things get better for you.
  • Posted

    oh dear, you have an inexperienced doctor I say find a new one. There is Flibanserin which is equivalent to viagra for women. Maybe see if you can get a prescription for it. Also, Vitamin C seems to activate sexual drive in some women you might want to start taking some.
  • Posted

    I lost my libido when peri and that went on for 6 yrs. lucky I wasn't in a relationship. The thought of sex made me nauseated. Went on HRT was like a cat in heat.

    There are things you can do.

    Date nights are lovely but no libido nothing will make u horny.


  • Posted

    Hi, Beverly,

    I would suggest that you go to a gynecologst.  They have the expertise to help you with these issues and to assist you with hormone replacement, if appropriate.

    Don't give up on yourself!  

    Let us know how you do! xx

  • Posted

    Hi Beverley, There was an interesting article in the Sunday Times Style magazine about Testosterone and it is pretty much an off the rador subject to discuss with your GP however some studies have said that there are many women that benefit from taking this.  The article went on to say that after looking on the dark web and finding nothing she found a practice in London that was willing to offer this.  I wish i could remember who wrote it.  I might have a quick look see if i can find anything for you. xx
  • Posted

    Hi ladies and gent firstly I am on hrt have been for 4 months was put on it by my gyny then she referee me to menopause nurse who said that unfortunately my sex drive may never return. So that is when I went to my gp and she refuses to give me anythung. Yesterday I got result from my scan and I have fatty liver disease and a 8 cm cyst on ovary so even doctor said she not sure what happens so I called my gyny and she going to see me. As for my husband after me finding out all that yesterday last night when in bed he was trying his luck and I said no as was very upset he got up and walked out and never seen him since last night. I feel so hurt cause he was very supportive and qll of a sudden maybe to much for him
    • Posted

      Hi, Beverly,

      You've got a lot going on, no wonder you're upset! What you are going through physically is very, very stressful! Some women in stressful situations lose their sex drive. Once the stressful situation is resolved, it can return.  

      The results of your tests indicate that you have more going on than the lack of a sex drive.  It seems to me that your physical health is more important!

      Perhaps your husband is afraid that your lack of desire is a reflection on him, I don't know, but it was awful of him to leave you like that! Some people feel that they are entitled to lots of things, sex is just one of them. Perhaps he does feel overwhelmed, but so are you!  

      Testosterone can bring back a flagging sex drive, but it is a dangerous drug, even dangerous for men to use.

      Please keep your courage up, and let us know how you do! xxx


    • Posted

      Hi Lynda, I did not know taking testosterone was dangerous. Are there any natural supplements we could take for this?
    • Posted

      The difficulty is that men have so much testosterone in their systems (it's a wonder they can even hold a conversation if you know how much).

      In men, testosterone supplementation is associated with blood clots, strokes and heart attacks.  In the US, law firms regularly advertise on TV, asking men who were taking testosterone and suffered the above to call them in order to sue the drug companies.  For instance, men prescribed testosterone gel are warned not to touch their partners or children with the gel on their hands or keep it where their partners or children can come into contact with it.  

      Women who are prescribed testosterone supplementation (it's a very small amount) in addition to an increased libido, also can start to grow hair on their faces, etc.  

      And, unfortunately, that pill that was supposed to increase female desire doesn't work for everyone.

      If you decide to try a supplement that indicates it will increase desire, please look for the side effects on line.

      Stay safe! xxx

  • Posted

    You are probably low in testosterone (yes the male hormone) it is responsible for libido, try supplements it may help

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