No symptoms I feel

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Wore a heart monitor ..have about 40 percent afib..on a blood thinner. keep wondering without symptoms why go through an ablation..or am I taking a chance as condition is more or less silent..had stress test...heart strong but still have a fib. anyone have an ablation who feels okey?

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15 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Betty. Ive had an ablation back in december. Im much better than i was, but still have some lesser episodes, and they are lasting up to 8 hours. They were anything from 14 to 24. Im due to go back in june for a second ablation to "tweak" and hopefully improve again. I only take thinners now too and an mri shows no physical issue with my heart. I used to feel dreadful when i have episodes. For me, i need to try to improve again, hence ablations. Yes, there are risks, but if you have confidence in your consultant and you weigh up pros and cons, again for me, its progress and improvement to what was deeply debilitating. Its a very personal choice.
    • Posted

      I imagine with symptoms that make your quality of life poor the choice would be simpler. 
  • Posted

    I take my Amiodarone once a day, nothing else and my afib  rarely occurs now. My bloodthinners are natural remedies. I will never have an ablation, this is my choice, its up to you what you choose, please research more on this forum. Good Luck. 
    • Posted

      Are you not concerned about the long term effects of amiodarone?
    • Posted

      I have not read the side effects as they may influence me to have them! The doc said I can take this for 5 years. The way my asthma is now I often cant walk 100 yeards except on my horse.  I am really not bothered about death as long as its quick as I have been on drugs my whole 68 years just to breathe and have nearly had enough of this useless body. 
    • Posted

      Unfortunately it sounds as if you have nothing to lose. Four legs are better than two for getting about more people should have them.
  • Posted

    Am 75yrs old with no underlying heart problems. Have been in permanent AF for about 2yrs and take 5mg of Bisoprolol and 150mg of Dabigatran twice a day. I can walk quite quickly for at least a mile with no symptoms. I asked my consultant about 6mths ago if I should have an ablation He said ' What would be the advantage ? It's a slightly risky procedure which  could go wrong and the outcome is uncertain. And with or without there is no difference in longevity.' He strongly advised against it.
    • Posted

      I was told it could take me off the blood thinner. Heart monitor shows about 40 percent afib..Told afib weakens the heart in time and could I think prevent a heart attack or heart failure. do not know if same thing. I can walk a few miles at least on level ground. Think the problems shows when climbing stairs a little or dancing..Haven't been in any other situations lately to know. No structural problems I don't think but some indications of other problems..regurgitation..etc..but been told heart is storng. Those are the advantages which seem pretty important to me down the road!!!
    • Posted

      Not sure in what way other than in times of exertion and possibly some fatigue..not sure what that is from ..age. etc
  • Posted

    Hello Betty , like you I am reluctant to go for ablation.  I have had Afib for the past 3 years . At times it can be a nuisance - breathlessness, slight dizzynes . But a lot of the time I don't notice it . It is very unpredictable , and comes and goes -   I might nave nothing for ten days then suddenly a bout which might last 3 - 5 days I have never identified a definite trigger but try to eat healthily , avoid sulphites etc. Because of a cerebral haemorrage two years ago I don't take any blood thinners except natural ones. I have had a left atrial appendix occusion which reduces the risk of clots. My quality of life is good , I am able to cycle (on a pedelec which helps on the hills) and will be 78 this year.  On the advice of cardiologist I would consider an ablation only if it seriously affected my quality of life.  
    • Posted

      Pedelec? What is that? I basically am not aware of it but shows up on the monitor so no doubt is there. Am on a blood thinner but feel it will worsen and then what..getting 70's ..My quality of life is good except on exertion maybe I feel it I don't know what anyone else feels climbing stairs. riding a bike. dancing so have only myself to go on. Just because one does not feel it does not mean it could be trouble as time goes by..In a quandry.


    • Posted

      Which left atrial appendix occusion did you have. Did you get it on the NHS or privately?

      I have got on a list for one of the trials (St Jude Amplatzer Amulet) but if not selected will pay to have it done. I can't take NOAC's due to my tissue aortic valve and Warfarin is problematic for me in several ways.

  • Posted

    Hi Betty

    life is about choices and sometimes it is difficult, you have to do what is right for you.

    My cardiologist was very honest and went through all the pros and cons he also said that often the ablation doesn't last long, and he usually only does them when there is no other option.

    I hope you find some peace of mind soon. take care

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