Non Bacterial Vaginosis Treatment, or is it something else?
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For years I have been having this milk-like vaginal discharge that no one can diagnose. It is NOT bacterials vaginosis or anything else that the doctors can figure out (not on the STDs list, or the normal infections that doctors test for as these were all ruled out). This one doctor was able to determine that the walls of my cervix was shedding, causing the discharge. There is no odor and it does not hurt or anything, but it can be a very heavy discharge that has kept me away from sex because it is emarassing and comes out in clumps during intercourse. During the day it comes out milky on my panty shield but if I try to wash inside, there are these clumps of dead cells that are white but dries as an off-white colour.
I have tried everything from naturals to prescribed gels and creams for years at a time, including natural probiotics inserts, tea tree oil suppositories, boric acid inserts, baking soda sitz baths, metrogel, and the list goes on, but to no avail. I read in this forum some time ago, that there is something called non-bacterial vaginosis and it lists the exact symptoms I have been experiencing. Is there a treatment for this diagnosis?
Has anyone ever experienced something like what I described and had successful treatment. Please help, I am so tired and frustrated of trying to figure out what is wrong with me!!
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marey Arist
sounds as if you've found a definition which you accept....have you tried just leaving it alone and letting things be if theres no pain or smell?
marey Arist
Arist marey
I understand your concern about doing too much, but I have left it alone many times, usually after a period where I have tried a new program of "treatments", then I leave it alone for 6-12 months to see if there has been any improvements. There has been none to date and it's going on 9 years now that I have had this problem.
frustrated61 Arist
Not having sex
Limiting your number of sex partners; and
Not douching.
I'm sure you heard this from your doctor and all the research you must have done. But I found the culprit for me, was the douching. Our bodies are capable to cleansing the vagina w/o any help. Try just being celibate for a month and see how that works. If it doesn't help...try two months. Good luck.
Arist frustrated61
frustrated61 Arist
I'm so sorry you have been dealing with this for such a long time. I only know what I previously posted but should I come across another idea, I will definitely share it with you. Hang in there, someone will be able to lead you in the right direction!
Arist frustrated61
elfling Arist
Normally issues (ie, infections) arise if the vaginal pH is too high (not acidic enough), but if it is too acidic, it could be causing the more rapid cell death and shedding you're experiencing. I would test your vaginal pH to see whether this might be the cause.
While the article I linked mentions women with symptoms, there is no reason this couldn't be asymptomatic like in your case where there is just increased discharge.
If it is cytolytic vaginosis:
Common treatments for vaginal problems that involve either lowering the pH (boric acid inserts, etc.) or increasing lactobacilli (probiotics) would be ineffective at best and would likely make the problem worse. Treatments aimed at reducing bacteria (metrogel, tea tree oil, etc) have the potential to be helpful, but that's only if the problem is caused by a transient change in the balance of bacteria. These would kill off any bacterial overgrowth, and then your body's natural environment would return to it's natural balance. Since your issue has been going on for so long, I expect that your body's usual balance is problematic, so the problem would just recur after treatment. Of the treatments you mention, baking soda sitz baths seem most applicable to cytolytic vaginosis, since baking soda would help raise the pH. However, you mentioned the doctor found that the epithelial shedding was from the cervix, and it is highly unlikely that a sitz bath would help lower pH that far up--a sitz bath would only help with discomfort or issues of the vulva/outer part of the vagina. From what I've read, baking soda douches are recommended for cv if baking soda sitz baths are ineffective. HOWEVER, before trying this I highly recommend testing your vaginal pH and discussing with your doctor. If you do not have cytolytic vaginosis, lowering your vaginal pH by this method would increase your susceptibility to vaginal infections.