Non-ulcer Dyspepia
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For four months now, I've been having severe nausea, abdominal pain in the upper central region, excessive intestinal gas, and sometimes a regurgitating feeling after meals. This has given me so much stress due to feeling sick all the time after eating. I've cut out all my trigger foods which are either spicy or acidic foods and drinks. My appetite is still so strong but the amount of food I can tolerate has decreased significantly. I lost 25 pounds so far because I can't eat the same volume I use to. I was on pantoprazole twice daily but stopped it because it made me dizzy. Bad idea to stop it suddenly because I got rebound acid hypersecretion right before bed one night. I tried taking Gaviscon and it made it worst. Personally, I find Maalox, Peptobismol, and Gaviscon do nothing for my stomach.
I've gotten an abdominal ultrasound (no concerns) and a gastroscopy (perfect test- no concerns). I am still waiting for a barium x-ray test and my biospy results. I'm on Nexium twice a day to decrease the production of stomach acid and stuck to all alkaline diet. I can only tolerate a liquid alkaline diet (mostly smoothies).
This all started after I got food poisoning from beef which seems to significantly affect my digestive system and turned it all around. I don't smoke. I rarely drink alcohol. I eat organic only. Didn't take any medications before. I use to eat EVERYTHING, with the exception of dairy (lactose intolerant), lobster, and shrimp. Now to go from eating solids to only being able to tolerate liquids has been so frustrating. It has been so discouraging when I see other people eat solid foods with no problems.
Wondering if anyone can relate to this and what natural remedies have worked for you? Has anyone tried slippery elm powder for an irritated stomach? I read in other forums this natural remedy has been helpful to quite a bit of people. Looking forward to hearing from you
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lilian05079 rhox
You have all the symptoms that HPylori causes. Go to your gp and ask for HPylori test (helicobacter pylori) which is a bacteria that lives in the stomach the test is carried out via stool test or breath wishes..
rosie123 rhox
lynne69494 rhox
UPDATE: My results are back for the gastroscopy, 3 biospies, and barium x-ray test. They all came out normal with no concerns. No HP, no motility issues, no ulcers or visible signs of inflammation in the esophagus, stomach, or duodenum. Each and every specialist's conclusion was that I have an extremely sensitive stomach. I followed up with my GP recently and he told me to keep taking my Nexium twice a day.
THE PROCESS: I have committed to an alkaline vegan diet and have removed all triggers from my meals. I've also found that chewing peppermint gum right after my meals has helped with indigestion and bouts of nausea significantly. These dietary changes, peppermint gum, watching the volume of my intake, and Nexium (twice a day) has seemed to help me quite a bit. I can eat more solids now but I have to watch how much I eat. Larger quantities of food and specific foods that create intestinal gas lead to the abdominal cramping, nausea, regurgitating feeling, and stomach pains. I still drink my smoothies every morning which consist of mixed greens, avocado, frozen banana, almond milk, and stevia. Because of my dietary changes and hyperacidity under control, I could feel my gut healing very slowly. My intake is increasing gradually and I don't experience the severe symptoms I had a while back. For lunch and dinner, I only have steamed vegetables mainly consisting of root vegetables: steamed kale, sweet potato, red potato, purple yam, yellow yam, butternut squash, acorn squash, and taro. Broccoli and cauliflower produced too much intestinal gas which was not pleasant. Whatever I eat, I really need to watch the amount I take in or I start experiencing unpleasant discomfort (nausea, regurgitating feeling, abdominal pain, scrapping feeling along the lining of my GI tract).
ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE: I've also decided to go to a Naturopathic Doctor to get another opinion about what I can do to heal my gut. My ND did a very thorough comprehensive assessment on top of the information I had provided to her. She also mentioned my past use of antibiotics (includes oral and topical; 3-5x a year), workout supplement use, and former acidic diet (ie. occasional high meat and fat diet) may have affected the well-being of my gut. She also concluded I have an extremely sensitive stomach and gut which will take some time to heal. We are currently working on helping to very slowly heal and strengthen my gut in the most natural way possible. I am currently following up with my GP and ND on a regular basis until I fully heal.
WHAT I HAVE LEARNT SO FAR: From this process, although EXTREMELY DISHEARTENING most of the time, has taught me to slow down and be more aware of what I eat as well as how I eat. I use to over-indulge and binge due to my inconsistent eating schedule, boredom, and as an emotional aid to stress. This path has really beat the discipline into me when it comes to eating the proper foods and in the right quantity, literally! I've developed an appreciation for vegan, raw vegan, and vegetarian cuisine which I love to make! I don't dine out as frequently as I use to which has saved me hundreds of dollars. Besides, I've come to realize most restaurants don't serve the healthiest of meals. This was a hard pill to swallow at first because dining out 3-4x a week use to be a lifestyle. As much as this process has been a physical climb, it was also a HUGE mental climb as well. I cannot recall how many times I broke down when I saw how carefree people were when they ate their meals or savoured the foods that I use to love so dearly. I try to keep a positive attitude, keep my stress in check, and remind myself of how everything else in my life is doing well. It has been difficult but I got to keep my head up and enjoy the simple, little things in life I am able to enjoy