Nonstop Migraines
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Hello Ladies,
I have been having migraines since Saturday when my period started. I don't usually get them with my period but I got them with last months period and then this time. I hope this is not a new thing now with my cycle. They start in the middle of the day and come and go all day long. Today was really bad. I don't know how to make it stop. What have any of you tried that really helps? This really has me down.
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Guest sharcerv52408
sharcerv52408 Guest
Hi Lou, I can't take Excedrin because it contains caffeine and aspirin. The caffeine makes my heart race and the aspirin interferes with my other medications.
Guest sharcerv52408
lori93950 sharcerv52408
My mom sends them from the UK as they are very expensive $50 a pill in USA! Your insurance may cover them though . My migraines last for days and go from one side to another.
sharcerv52408 lori93950
lori93950 sharcerv52408
4withGod sharcerv52408
Hi there, I too have started having migraines during the dreaded cycle time. Just a few days ago I had this horrible pressure in the back of my head and also felt like a piercing in my eye. Pain radiated to my neck and shoulders. I didn't have any ibuprofin on hand, so I took a nerve pain pill I was prescribed for shingles. It makes me very drowsy, but I had to get my sleep and take the edge off the pain. The pain subsided, but the pressure in the back of my head lasted for a couple days. My body goes through some major chaos during my cycles, to the extent that I feel I may end up in the ER. Sometimes I wonder how I survive it, then I realize ONLY GOD! Praying you find some relief.
sharcerv52408 4withGod
Hello 4withGod,
Yes our cycles can make us feel like we are at death's door sometimes. I have always had horrible periods. But now that I'm older and going through peri my periods have been accompanied by some strange symptoms. Last months period brought on a migraine. This month was the same thing. Then on top of that I caught a chest cold from being out in the rain last week. My blood pressure was up because of the headaches. My doctor just switched my BP medication because I thought the previous one was giving me headaches. Now this new one she prescribed, the main side effects is guessed what, headaches! My anxiety has been up which only makes things worse. I can't wait until all of this is over.
debra16694 sharcerv52408
Hi Sharcerv - If you wouldn’t mind telling me what B/P RX you were on & got switched to...I have been on a couple & one gave me loads of side effects - hope that’s not the one you are on -
sharcerv52408 debra16694
I was taking Valsartan 160mg, generic for Diovan. The pharmacy called me and said that there was a recall on it and to have my doctor prescribe something else. So she prescribed Carvedilol which is generic for Correg. This is the one that I thought was starting my headaches. So I asked her to switch me to something else. So she just put me on Isosorbide generic for Imdur. These really gave me horrible migraines. So I don't know what to do. I also take a low dose of hydrachlorithiazide as a water pill. I think I will just ask her to either increase the water pill and let that be the only one or find me something else altogether. I know she's getting tired of me.
debra16694 sharcerv52408
Hi there Sharcerv - it appears your dr has you on a steady diet of Beta Blockers, it even lists as a side fact that it can cause headaches. Have you ever experienced shortness of breath on them? Just so you know, you should not abruptly stop taking beta blockers. All these stupid blood pressure RX’s have yucky side effects. Whatever your dr decides, don’t let her prescribe amlodipine - just google it on this patient forum - bad, bad side effects...I know, I was on it for 5 years, off a year - have you tried taking magnesium & beetroot capsules to help lower your B/P? - meditation works too along with all the bloody lifestyle changes we need to make - good luck!
sharcerv52408 debra16694
Yes, I was on Amlodipine a few years ago and it gave me terrible anxiety, heart palpitations and panic attacks. I got off those as soon as possible. I have some beet root capsules. I don't want to have to take any blood pressure medication. They all have crazy side effects. My blood pressure was never a problem until peri hit. I want my old body back. 😭
debra16694 sharcerv52408
Hi Sharcerv - I can’t agree with you more about all these B/P RX’s and pretty much all RX’s in general - they all come with side effects. Yes, I have been told menopause affects blood pressure & blood sugar....imbalanced hormones play a vital part in our overall health. I want my old body back & I just wish I would have been a little more educated about hormones & B/P back when I was first put on B/P RX’s 6 years ago...funny, that’s exactly when I stopped my period.
evi75119 sharcerv52408
During period our estradiol is at lowest level so there is an explanation
sharcerv52408 evi75119
lori93950 sharcerv52408