normal systolic but higher than normal diastoli bp reading

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I am monitoring my bp at home usually in the morning, this morning it became 118/88 with pr-82,,the diastolic seemed to be higher than before, what do u think can cause diastolic to get high? do I need to avoid eating or do something to make them back to normal? I always geel scared and stressed when I discover that my bp is above normal. I am taking amlodipine 5mg plus 2.5 mg everyday,, I am in peri stage, today is my second day of monthly period and it's quite so heavy with clots as usual. Been through cbc , ecg abdominal utrasound a few months ago which turned out to be fine.. but the gp keeps on prescribing me hb maintenance coz my bp is always high when i am in the hospital.

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    My BP is always high a day before, during and a few days after my period.  I also get a horrible headache that lasts the whole time. I get flush with hot flashes but no sweating. 

    I'm chalking it all up to hormones because 3 ER trips to the hospital and everything (heart, CT, thyroid tests) checked out ok. There's another thread where a couple ladies also confirmed same symptoms.

    As long as the bottom number not over 100, I think we are ok. I'm also on BP medicine, amlodipine didn't work for me because of side effects and it really didn't keep my BP down during my cycle. I'm trying my 4th BP medicine now. So far it's been working to keep my BP 120/80 or lower. I have haven't had my cycle yet on this one so that'll be the test to make sure it works.

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      Oh my goodness, I have never had and issue with my BP now since peri meno, my pressure is elevated and has me worried which is bad and raises your pressure.  I have been sensitive to 2 BP meds and gave since stopped with the meds and trying to control them naturally with exercise and eating healthier, I'm also  monitoring. At home but get concerned  if the machine is populating the right readings.   A whole mess

      I feel better to know that I am not the only one with this issue.

      Prayers to us all, stay well 

    • Posted

      hi theresa, yes i know that below 90 diastolic isn't so much about to fear's the anxious feeling that worsens which I am feeling when my bp (s/d) went above normal. I'm just wondering why diastolic becomes higher than normal while the systolic is below normal range? is it stress? or the food that I consume two or three days ago? or because of heavy period?

      I remember when I was diagnosed of a hypertension more than a year ago, we just had our cocktail afternoon, I'm tipsy and having my heavy period that time, we took my bp measured, it was 176/98,, without any symptoms, just drunk and dizzy, then they call to ask a doctor what to give me, the doctor said give me 10mg amlodipine as maintenance. I follow. But that bp result made me feel anxious that I never eat salt and any fatty content foods, stopped taking any vitamins and focused only on my bp med and bp monitoring day and night, hours by hours! after 4months I lost almost 8kgs..i became pale and skinny, severe headaches, stressful... They decided to bring me to the hospital, all tests are normal except hemoglobin, but still my bp meds should be taken becoz i got white coat hp...

      i managed to get back to normal again, my anxiety minimized, I eat healthy foods, I gain weight now, but still the anxious feeling is already attached to my body once in a while, I can simetimes feel it,, I'm praying that I overcome with this, it's melting me..I wanted to blame the time that I took my bp when drunk,..

    • Posted

      Dylan you sound like me. I started off in amlodipine and had all kinds of side effects. Since my health wasn't right that sent my anxiety out of control which sent my BP figures wacky.  It's easy for me to say 90 is not high because I'm normal range now. But as soon as I get above 90 I panic and have to try breathing exercises to get it down.

      I've lots 25 lbs in 5 months since this has all happened. I stopped the BP meds and tried the natural way but as soon as my cycle hits my BP rises and then I'm so nervous about it all. So I figure better to find a BP med that works.

  • Posted

    Hi Dylan,

    I am have been taking blood pressure medicine for years and also am in perimenopause.  I would not be concerned about a blood pressure reading of 118/88. In fact, I would be pleased if mine was that low!  Please let me reassure you that that is an excellent blood pressure.

    My blood pressure can fluctuate a lot.  It is often higher when my hormones are "crazy".  Or from stress and eating too much salt.  Drinking lots of water especially with lemon can help lower it by getting excess salt out of your system.  If I go anywhere near a hospital, my blood pressure skyrockets.


  • Posted

    Hi Dylan,

    elevated Ed blood pressure often happens which hormone fluctuations and during peri these fluctuations can be bad.  I have had high blood  pressure since we 22 (I'm 56 now) and it had been controlled with medication.  A few months ago had blood work which now puts me in menopause.  2 years ago had hysterectomy with ovaries left in so I was unable to really know where in my cycle I was.  What I did notice was that my blood pressure would elevate for about a week long period running around 130/95 on average and I'd have this constant headache for pretty much the whole time and just feeling hot all the time like my internal body temp is 10 degrees above normal, with very poor sleep.  Then it would ease off and my blood pressure would drop down.  

    Even though the doc says I'm in menopause I still thing my old ovaries are functioning a bit and I'm still getting hormonal fluctuations.  As a matter of fact just came out of about a 5 day period with elevated blood pressure, low grade headache, muscle aches, fatigue and up most of night with hot flashes but no sweating.  Last two days blood pressure around 110/84 which is great for me!  Last night I actually slept most of night and only woke up once...yay!

    Its a good idea to monitor your blood pressure at home and my advice would be to check it once a day and if it's elevated maybe twice a day.  It's easy to fall into that cycle of anxiety over blood pressure and then start checking it too frequently in one day which increases anxiety and therefore increases blood pressure.

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      Sorry...don't know where that "Ed" after blood pressure came from and I don't know how to edit posts🙂

    • Posted

      OMG! You busted decribed me when I'm in my cycle...10 days of high BP, constant headache and hot flashes with no sweating!! I try not to check my BP during this time because I know it'll be high and I'll stress out about it.

      Cold showers help me get it down and some relief. I mean I'll be up at 3am taking a cold shower just to get some sleep.

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