Normal test results, but I still feel awful

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Hi all, just throwing this post out there to see if anyone has experienced having normal test results back from the GP, but you still feel unwell.

My med history is long and complicated, and seems to be getting more so.

From the age of 18 I was diagnosed as having IBS.  Every couple of years this diagnosis was challenged as I would display with symptoms that could not be identified.  Every test (bloods, scans etc) I had came back normal. Then ion New Year's Day 2007 ii was diagnosed with a large stomach tumour known as a GIST (Gastro intestinal stromal tumour) this was removed with part of my stomach the same day.  Since then i have had my Gallbladder removed in 2010 and a hiatus hernia diagnosed in 2014.  Over the past year I have had bouts of pain down my right hand side, pain across the top of my stomach, intermittent vomiting & diaorrhea but again every test that GP does comes back normal.  

Yesterday I had an Analase blood test done, again this is normal, but I feel so unwell it's driving me crazy.

ps I follow a low fat diet, due to removal if gallbladder, and have limited bread consumption to rare occasions.

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4 Replies

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    lve read many posters who have or are suffering severe and on going symptoms but all blood tests, xrays, scans come back clear, sometimes its something theyve not done the right test to find  diagnosis sometimes unexplained, maybe lifestyle, or body just off balance. My med history is also long and complex, l,d intersticial cystitus for many years undiagnosed, severe symptoms, finally got referral to urologist and scope diagnosis, with meds reducing symptoms 90percent, in that time l,d my gall bladder removed and hysterectomy, all linked, A few years improving, then l,d also a  tumour found, l didnt have op,but did really well responding to  chemo and radiotherapy,l was very lucky,  but left with slowly increasing emphaseamia copd over last 7yrs, then  gastritus diagnosed in last year, what next, but after months now  lve improved a lot with diet and supplaments, small plain meals, but feel unwell some days.  l was told by gp you are left with after affects following such major  problems re cancer,  for me its  breathlessness tiredness,  and youve certainly had big problems with your stomach. . lve a friend with hiatus hernia and know it can affect badly with stomach probs, and make you feel very ill at times.. Do you still see the consultant who did the surgery, or can the gp refer you back to his clinic, to see if the symtpoms are connected to hiatus hernia, coeliac, or post op problems, even be it years ago, time can change muscles and  tissue. l think you need to see the specialist despite tests showing negative, your gp should do that anyway. Sorry your feeling ill, it does affect badly physically and mentally  when your not getting reason for it hope you can see consultant soon and get reason and help with it. 

    best wishes.  

  • Posted

    Dont know why its been censored, so try again.  lve a friend with hiatus hernia and know that can make you feel very ill at times, she,s also a coeliac, have you been tested for that. It could even be some post op problem even be it done years ago, body changes, muscles tissue, l think you should be referred back to consultant, despite neg tests, theyre expert in knowing things that dont show up on tests, Youve had more than your share of probs, and it will affect physically and mentally till you know the reason for it. If your gps not done so already, ask him to refer you back and hope it brings diagnoses and help to improve. Best wishes.
  • Posted

    Hi Karen

    Sorry to hear about your bad have had significant amount of surgery and this always carries a risk of adhesions plus tothe after affects.   Maybe a laparoscopy woudl identify these.      Try to be positive in tha t the bloods are all OK.

    Keep up your good nutrients and do what you can for yourself

    .     I have lots of digetive prob and pain with wind and constipation which doctors dont help with - all they know about are PILLS!

  • Posted

    You surely are not alone with your pain, Karen.  I've had side, back and abdominal pain for three years now.  Since an ultrasound did show a possible problem with gall stones, my gall bladder was removed, but that didn't help the problem.  All other tests have proved negative.  I've been on several different diets, tried a multitude of prescriptions and otc herbal supplements with no lessening of the pain.  I've also had 7 different diagnoses.  A retired doctor friend of mind told me that it's actually quite common to never find the cause.  I went through over two years of weight loss due to nausea, lack of appetite and diarrhea.  I've since come to the conclusion that it's not fatal and with the help of a TENS unit I get through my days pretty well.  

    I wish you the best in finding the cause of your pain, but if you don't, rest assured that you're not alone.

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