Normal testing and still have bad gallbladder/pain?

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Is it possible to have all normal testing and still have a bad gallbladder? 

Since the 1st week of sept I have been suffering from RUQ pain, nausea after meals, sometimes nausea out of the blue, pain in my right shoulder blade, fatigue, lack to no energy level, 12 lbs weight loss, pain in my right shoulder neck area, mix between constipation and diarrhea but mostly constipation and heartburn! The pain is constant and never goes away. 

All of my testing keeps coming back normal. Ultrasound of the gallbladder, Hida scan (my result was 48%), Ct Scan, celiac biopsy, h.pylori, other blood work( amylase/lipase normal), endoscopy, MRI, ct of the head, pelvic ultrasound! We have also had a 2nd opinion with a GI Dr and established with a new GP and spoke to a surgeon (we have another appt 11/12)! 

All testing keeps coming back NORMAL!!! (Which is good) 

Can all these test still come back normal and you still have a bad gallbladder? 

Has this ever happen to anyone? 

Certainly I'm not the only one this is happened too! Any help is welcomed! 

From the USA

Thanks for reading

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151 Replies

  • Posted

    I have had similar issues. All tests come back normal. I have had ultrasounds, MRI, xrays, hida scan (60%) they told me for years its IBS. My Gi finally told me he doesnt believe its IBS. every year i end up in the ER. All they do is push pain meds and ship you out. Im convinced its my gall bladder. I have lost almost 30lbs since this all got worse without trying. Havent worked out and not watching what I eat. I can't gain anything back either. I am tired all the time. Can only eat small portions. I was fine yesterday until I ate some teriyaki chicken wings and only like 5 of them and boom major pains. My dad had his taken out.

  • Edited

    Thank you for starting this. I have had pain between my belly button and sternum for a few years now, and it also radiates to right up quadrant and right shoulder blade. Lately the pain has gotten extreme, with multiple ED visits. Nothing abnormal with my labs, ultrasound looks ok (5mm gallbladder polyp) and I'm so lost. Just had an upper endoscopy, with no abnormal findings. They were going to pull my gallbladder in 2018, but I had metal poisoning, so I had to deal with that first. Every day has been hell, now, for over month.... which is way more than my normal pain. I really want an answer, as no one knows what it is. I feel like its the gallbladder, but not much to prove it.

    HIDA scan in a few days, although the last time I had one... its was good. I have spinal surgery in less than 2 weeks, so this is terrible timing for a "flare up" of my issues. It is so painful.

    HIDA SCAN UPDATE: My ejection fraction is only 4%!!! Normal is above 33%.

    • Posted

      wow! Sounds like the gallbladder to me! Hope all went well and you had it out! Update when you can..

  • Posted

    I have had severe pain in the gallbladder area for about 3 weeks, have lost 15 pounds, nausea, and diarrhea. Sometimes the pain has been so bad as to feel like labor contractions. I had a normal ultrasound and hida scan on the same day all my symptoms disappeared. Do you think I passed a stone and that's why the scans were normal?

  • Posted

    I have had severe pain in the gallbladder area for about 3 weeks, have lost 15 pounds, nausea, and diarrhea. Sometimes the pain has been so bad as to feel like labor contractions. I had a normal ultrasound and hida scan on the same day all my symptoms disappeared. Do you think I passed a stone and that's why the scans were normal?

  • Posted

    I am going through this presently. All tests normal, but clearly the pain etc. is coming from the gallbladder.

    I am trying to find a surgeon who will not live and die by the HIDA scan.

    I am trying to go to Mexico and see if they will do it.

    If you know of a surgeon more willing to listen to symptoms, please let me know.

    Of course, Ultrasound and CT do not show inflammation or infection.

    You have to keep complaining , going to the ER, and try different doctors.

    These test miss a lot of cases and leave many people suffering.

    I have no stones, so it is an acalculous gallbladder, which is more dangerous than having stones.

    Tijuana has some amazing surgeons I just don't know if they will do it either.

    Send me an update when you can.

  • Posted

    My friend had the same issue, it could be a rumbling gallbladder so.unless they can see if playing up they can't actually see its there. Could be soemthing to do with the potassium or magnesium levels mind you mine dropped so bad and it took ages to work out what was wrong cause I was getting gallbladder pain and all I needed was a blood test as for one I would from the gp to. Test everything is OK.

  • Posted

    hi there! i am currently 22 years old, struggling sith constant RUQ pain that occurs frequently. this has been occurring since december 2021, and it is currently march 2022. i have had an upper endoscopy, multiple ultrasounds, a mri with and without contrast, AND a HIDA scan and all of these has shown no visible issue with my gallbladder. i am so tired of the constant nausea, fatigue, aching pain, and burping all the time. i have known that it is my gallbladder since i had to go to the emergency room in december for how bad the pain was. i am PRAYING that this gets taken care of soon. how can so many of us have negative tests/labs, yet all have the same symptoms and pains?

  • Posted

    Hi! Sorry to bother you but I am having surgery tomorrow to remove my gallbladder and I am praying that it truly is my gallbladder because if it isn't, I do not know what else it could be. I have been suffering on and off for years with upper right quadrant pain , nausea, on and off constipation/ diarrhea, and my hida is at 45%. I also have had the pain go through to my back. I have had everything from a Ct scan, a liver mri, an ultrasound of GB, abdominal xray, and endo/ colonoscopy. Dr. says classic symptoms of GB so tomorrow I under I go on a crap shoot on whether it is or isn't. I do have 2 sisters, and my Mom who all had diseased gallbladders. A surgeon finally listened to me. This probably sounds weird, but I keep saying to myself, if this isn't it then everyone will think I am crazy. Can you tell me if you think it solved your issues?

    I am a nervous wreck!

    Thanks so much!


  • Posted

    Pain start on 2/27 went straight to PCP she done blood work everything came back normal, 2 weeks later pain got a lot worse went to ER they did a CT scan and blood work, blood work came back normal but CT showed my gallbladder wasn't contracting like it should, ER doctor recommended a Hida scan, had an ultra sound first and it showed a 4mm polyp, had my head scan last week and the results said normal but also recommended I seen a surgeon, the pain is unbelievable it's from my mid stomach to my right back and shoulder I'm over it something needed to happen can't eat, sleep, and half of the time I feel so weak I don't get off the couch and I have kids and a disable mother to take care of, has this happened to anyone else if so what was your out come?

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