Nose bleeds every day
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I've been having nose bleeds every day for a couple of months, they happen some nights when i lay down to sleep, or some morning when I'm waking up, or odd times randomly through the day, just starts dripping blood sometimes they are just bright red liquid other times there are dark clots as well as blood, i have not been to the doctor's about this, maybe i should, , but i just find that lots of different symptoms in this chapter of my life , doctor has no clue what is happening, is this another weird and wonderful symptom of the next stage of the body/mind of menopause? I'm 52 , haven't had periods for years due to being on the Mirena coil, but if i was to be having periods, they would be stopping through menopause, just seems like the nose bleeds are like periods without the pain, but instead of happening every month they happen every day, weird! they don't last long, only a few minutes, then once I've cleared my nose out its clear again till the next time it happens, any one any experience of this, it is only the left nostril that it happens to
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christina81747 Next_chapter
sorry you are going threw that it mist be upsetting i personally havent experienced it but inkniw that dry nasal passages can do that or do you sneeze alot or have allergies? you said you havent gone to doctor about this yet if not maybe go to annear nose and throat doctor! i havent heard of nosebleeds during this time but anything is possible right? Hope you find an answer!!!!
kelly55079 Next_chapter
I have had them too but not everyday. I just thought it's from the cold dry months. I bet if you put a humidifier in your room, that could help. Or try using nose spray at night to see if that helps.
Next_chapter kelly55079
it started through the summer months, I've tried nose spray, but thanks for the advice of the humidifier i will try that
pinkcatfairy Next_chapter
I have had the odd nosebleed in peri/meno which was unusual for me normally