Nose bleeds, sick with a cold
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Ladies I did read that when we are in menopause we can have nose bleeds the reason why is that our hormones are flucuating and it drys out things in our nose to where it can crack, and get sore and bleed even with the cold weather.
I just wanted to inform you ladies.
Since Thursday I have had a bad cold and just feeling tired and not myself after the nose bleed I had. Today I have a little bit of energy but I just seem tired and not into it feel weak at times and just really tired has anybody been through this with the tiredness and feeling not yourself.
Would like to know I take a vit d and a multivit but i am still tired
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Snatchpiece susan21149
Sorry to hear your not feeling so good.
Have you tried Jarrow Methylcobalamin B12, 5000 mcg, they have helped me a long with liquid iron?
can purchase from Amazon.
big hugs, joy x
susan21149 Snatchpiece
Before I take any b12 or 6 supplements since I am on medication I would rather check with my medical doctor. Right now I take vit d and a multivit and my medication for anxieties and depression and my thyroid medication and my blood pressure medication plus I did take vit b6 on Christmas Eve I had a bad panic attack.
Thank you for the suggestion though, I will talk to my doctor about my iron level though
Snatchpiece susan21149
Regarding the iron, mine was checked in 2012 and was ok but when I have acupuncture the lady says for ladies it doesn't do any harm in taking liquid iron which you can get from holland and barrent. You will see on the box that it's good for the menopause. To be honest when I miss a few doses I can tell because my anxiety often comes back with heart palpitations. My acupuncturist tells me that it's quite common for ladies to be blood definition at this time of our lives.
Joy x
susan21149 Snatchpiece
Snatchpiece susan21149
This forum is so good that we can bounce ideas or suggestions between each other. The good thing is you can choose what might be good for you to take or just remember for the future. in the last two years I have learnt so much where's two years ago I thought I had some bad disease I was dying from! Not realizing it was just me being in this peri transition. Joy x
susan21149 Snatchpiece
I have learned a lot about menopause symptoms and talking about it has helped me a lot. Smile
buddah_girl susan21149
susan21149 buddah_girl
I will hang in there
dane521 susan21149
susan21149 dane521
I to suffer from indigestion and stomach issues also have a sore on my right nostril that bleed a little bit.
I get tired of this too.
charlotte_40150 susan21149
HotDot7 susan21149
eilostnyc susan21149
I sometimes use sudafed pills. I have humidifier going constantly in the winter living room and bedroom. This winter it has been brutal. My doc told me to use vaseline in the nostrils and that helps somewhat.