Not a peri issue but thought some of you might know?
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Any of you ladies had gallbladder issues??Ive had loose stools for four weeks and cramping and pain after eating at times and chest pain..Some pain on right side under ribs but also on left side under ribs and a knot feeling under my sternum at times..sometimes worse after eating and other times im fine...Just not feeling good and thought maybe some of you have been thru this...You all have helped so much with peri and knew i could trust all of you for some good advice....thank you so much..
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annieschaefer laurie70017
Annie xx
Ruthie49 laurie70017
It could be the gall bladder - that's the first thing they checked with me. An ultrasound of the gall bladder would be a first step to check for gallstones. You can also get 'biliary sludge' which doesn't show up on scans but can also cause similar symptoms.
The interesting thing is that although this doesn't seem like a peri issue it could very well be. The hormone fluctuations can affect digestion profoundly at this time of life and I have read research to suggest it can increase gall bladder and pancreatic sensitivity. So your symptoms could be linked to peri.
Let us know how you get on and really hope your pain shifts soon. I have the knotted/'bubble' feeling under my ribs right now!
susan21149 laurie70017
Just to make sure I would get tested to make sure its not your gallbladder
Try some fiber to help with the stools thats suppose to harden it up
annieschaefer laurie70017
Let us know what you discover after your visit.
Feel better!
Annie xxxx
Madmarilyn laurie70017
i had my gall bladder out about ten years ago, I was about forty, and apparently the old wives tale is fat, fecund and forty to suffere from it! I used to get a horrid referred pain in my right shoulder under the shoulder blade as a warning sign that I was about to get an attack, and then I'd be sick every hour during the night, but unlike an upset tummy, it never made me feel better. The doctor initially gave me a form of Omeprazole -Zantac, I think - a he was convinced it was acid reflux until I asked if ithe shoulder pain wasn't a symptom. When it got really bad and I had a constant kind of seasickness, the doctor gave me a press just under the sternum which sent me through the roof with pain, making him diagnose gall bladder which is what I thought, my friend had it about two years earlier - she used to sit on the stairs and rock with the pain,ass he was never actually sick. Try asking him to press your sternum where the goal bladder is - your stomach is a,to higher than you think! Hope it works out for you - since my op I have been great, no mo problems, like magic, and all done by keyhole!
Merrymary laurie70017
sharcerv52408 laurie70017
chica laurie70017
in my quest to find out whats wrong with me, i,ve spoken to ots of women who have this issue.
my pain is to the left so i,ve taken this condition off my hit list.
i do know it doesnt usually get better by itself.
please dont delay a visit to the doctor as one of my friends ignored her pain and she ended up with pancreatitis and has a long way to go before she gets well.
other friends have had their gallbladders out and are fine.
insist on a test.
good luck
kathy46259 laurie70017