Not feeling better

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So I'm coming into week 4 of my upped dose of setraline. Started on them 9 months ago and was pretty stable but crashed a month ago. Anyone had to up their dose and wait this long to feel the benefit. I just want to sleep all the time but waken at 6 every morning having panic attacks, low appetite and feel like my insides are shaking. Don't see my gp for over a week and can't live like this anymore 😞

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10 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi I'm really sorry to hear this. I've upped to 200mgs for last 5 days and I'm feeling much worse dizzy and shaky and as you say very tired. I'm hoping it will kick in soon. So sorry I can't help just wanted you to know I'm in same boat although I know that doesn't help. I've been taking them for 7 months. Maybe time for a change?

    Best wishes

  • Posted

    Only changed from escitalopram a year ago and the change over was horrible. Worst 6 weeks of my life. Seen my gp and she's convinced they'll work with help from the mental health team. I'm so sick going through this all the time.

  • Posted

    Only changed from escitalopram a year ago and the change over was horrible. Worst 6 weeks of my life. Seen my gp and she's convinced they'll work with help from the mental health team. I'm so sick going through this all the time.

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      I hope so. I know it's hard to know how you are expected to keep going with this awful illness however we need to. I hope you turn a corner soon. I too am scared of changing

  • Posted

    I will, I have to for my two kids. Just feel so useless and helpless all the time.

    Hope your feeling better soon too ❤

    • Posted

      I too just jumped to 200 and feel shaky and blah. I'm having mostly physical symptoms of anxiety but they are still persisting. It's been 12 weeks total.

  • Posted

    Hey Marion, you said you were stable and then crashed? How long did you crash for and then upped the dose??

    I'm just asking because with sertraline, in first year or 6 months you do have ups and downs, there called blips, usually only last about a week.

    In my first blip I thought dam, I need to up my dose , but people in this forum said it could be a blip. I also went to my Gp, she also said give it 10 days and if ur still down come back and we will up it.

    But everyone was rite it was a blip. I'm glad I waited as if I hadn't I would of had to UP my dose and go through what you are now.

    If your blip has been longer thaan a week or 2 , then perhaps it's the right thing to do, to up the dose.

    You need to give it a lot more time to settle, ide even say 8 weeks in total, although I don't think it will be quite 8 weeks when u start feeling better god willing.

    It's an awful awful illness and I wish I could take it away from everyone who suffers.

    The feeling of your insides shaking, no sleep no appetite, anxious , scared , and so down, feeling like you just can't carry on and you end up crying and crying.

    But it will pass, it really will, nothing lasts for ever, Nothing! Just pray to god, look after your self, go for walks, take hot baths, be around people who care for you and day you will wake up in the morning and not be feeling as bad as before, then it will get better and better.

    Big big hugs hunny xxx

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