Not felt right for months, doctors say I’m fine

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I haven’t felt myself for the past probably 6 months. Been in and out of hospital as I had heart palpitations and chest pains and then one day I felt like my face and arms were droopy/numb. Had many heart tests, ct scans, blood tests etc. All came back fine. I keep getting lightheaded and feel spaced out, get random pains/sensations, heart palpitations, headaches. Don’t know what else I can do. Anyone else feel like this? Only possible diagnosis is anxiety but I don’t think it is this as I know the difference.

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    i feel exactly the same way! For the last month and a half. I have ear fullness, ear crackling, facial tension, heavy head with headaches, nausea, vertigo and I can feel my heart!

    All this developed after having flu-like symptoms in January.

    Doctors say its an inner ear infection but who knows? Blood test says Im fine. Doctor also says its anxiety and mri is not necessary.

    Now ive had my fair share of panic attacks since developing these symptoms and Ive felt like I was going to die...I didnt.

    So maybe the doctors are right? Chalk it up as anxiety?

    Idk but this supposed "ear infection" has got my system all messed up.

    • Posted

      maybe we should check our brains maybe it's not getting enough fluids i feel heart palpitations sometimes feel like I'm dead but I wake up every morning and I thank God because i wouldn't want my daughter to grow up with out a dad it all started after I smoked a Blunt that I thought was dro but was cliamax started 3 months ago I just hope I'm find been to 3 different hospital when I was donating I was going to cardiac arrest some day better then others we can all get thru this just pray it's hard but we gotta do what we gotta do if not we will never enjoy life panic attacks sucks trust me literally lost jobs because to this

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      thats excatly what happened to me! Is it still happening? I hope you are doing well

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    im 26 and am going through this. it began 6 months one night sleeping woke up to palpitations. after probably 12 visits to the hospital, private cardiologist, several ecg, brain mri for headaches, echo scan, blood pressure etc ive been told im fine.

    two doctors in the hospital recognised me on my third visit and one took his timeto speak to me for 20 min to say you have anxiety.

    i have not been diagnosed with anxiety. but weirdly my symptoms disappeared for a good 1-2 months and now every night as soon as i close my eyes i get a worrying sensation in my chest.

    not sure whether to just think of it as anxiety and ignore everything.

    i tend to find myself clinching my teeth, shaking my leg.

  • Posted

    I have been feeling the exact same way for around 6 months as well. They keep saying anxiety. Heart results came back fine . Even had an ultrasound

    I'm 28 . Not overweight. I don't feel I should be having all of these symptoms at this age for it to be nothing. I just had a heart Palpitation a few minutes ago that scared the crap out of me. (Which is why I'm here) Doctor can never find anything. It feels as if there's a constant crick in my upper left back/neck. which feels like it puts pressure on my heart also. I'm tired of the sharp pains through my body, the throbbing veins. The pounding of my heart as of its bout to explode. I just want answers.

    • Posted

      everything youve said is exactly what ive experienced as well! and all anyone could tell me was i had anxiety, i wasnt an axious person but i am now because of this!! i knew my heart beat was off and

      not beating right and finally got told i had an ectopic heartbeat which is quite common apparently but still horrible to go through. really hope you start feeling better soon youre not alone in this

  • Posted

    Hi Annie ! sorry to hear you are struggling so much atm. I am going through exactly the same the last 3 months and now . I have been experiencing serve physical symptoms of heavy numb arms and hands along side a crushing amount of nausea. sometimes so serve i feel like im fading out. My arm pain comes and goes in waves but is real .. i cant block it out or try to be positive as its so debilitating. This has also been coupled with throat constrictions and stomach bloating. I have had lots of sports injuries and occasional ilness but nothing thats ever felt like this. My brain has been on full alert telling me something is seriously wrong(thoughts of brain issues of degenerative conditions) ....yet seen 3 doctors who have all physically examined me , had full bloods done and each say of its nothing serious maybe a trapped nerve etc . But i get home again only to be hit by one or more of these crushing symptoms and feel back to square one of being hopelessly unwell . I like you cant accept that these very really awful pains and anxiety based .. but 3 doctors later and its only answer i have . You are not alone !

    • Posted

      hi! im so sorry to here youre feeling like this. i know the feeling and it makes you feel youre going mad but youre not!! really hope you start to feel better soon, years later i still have these symptoms but ive just learnt to live with them and manage them i suppose x

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    the doctors still are unsure of what is exactly wrong with me.. they said its something that is hard to catch and has to be happening for them to see it..

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    thank you guys for being here i honestly enjoy talking with you guys.. because you understand and dont think its fake or anxiety this is real scary stuff

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    i am actually, 14 years old, this all started like 3 weeks ago, ive gone to doctors, got all the test, like blood test, ECG, seen cardiologist, got a chest x-ray. i actually have gotten alot better, i also shed alot of tears, because i have the fear of doom and death but ive been praying so much, the things ive been feeling is like pain in my neck, GERD, heart palpatins, heart racing, and a couple of other things, but all the doctors have said im healthy, they think its anxiety, i do too to be honest because i know i have it even when i was younger, but this is all very new to me and im scared, i just need to know if im ok, thats all i want. My mom keeps trying to tell me it is, but no one knows how i feel. I really need to know if im ok, i still want to live my life, i have so much to live, i do even have depression, but this is all new to me, i just need to know.

    • Posted

      Your not alone I also feel the same way, always worried about my own health getting scared all those things plus Im also 14 yet still waiting to talk to my therapist. I have a ton of health anxiety and the symptoms of get always worry me and getting me into searching up most of the time. Honestly I really just wsnns live my life too. Plus I always get scared Ill get random dizziness or anything which worries me the worst but I hope things do get better.

  • Posted

    hi you could request your gp to do a 24 hour urine metanephrines or catecholamines test. your symptoms could be caused by way to much adrenalin in your system. its caused by a tumor of the adrenal gland called a pheochromacytoma its extreamly rare so doctors do not think to look for them the other tumor that can do this is a paraganglioma. they pump out hormones a pheo os always in the adrenal medulla but a para can be any where else between eyes and thighs so if your levals did come back high you would then need a ct or mri with contrast but needs to be eyes to thighs not just abdomen.

    the reason I know this is because I have pheo and it took years for them to diagnose previous to it I was fobbed of as depression and anxiety most pheo patients are. these episodes at night are a big symptom of it it's to do with ether lying on the tumor and compressing it so it pumps out more or the sleep wake cycle. there is a very good support group on face book for this I am one of the admins on it.

    if you read on line about it you will find it just gives you the basics it dosent shoe all the symptoms and a lot of the info is wrong and outdated one of the websites to look at is the pheo para allience they work with endocrinologists from all over the world. if your leavals did come back high you need a referl to a endocrinologist and it's important that they are experienced In pheo.

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