Not improving at 5 weeks on citalopram
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Never seem get much response on here but here gies. Nearly 5 weeks on citalopram started on 5mg gradually increased to 10mg 3 days ago as sensitive to meds. For intrusive thoughts due to zopiclone withdrawal. Did briefly go on it before then tried sertraline which has given me ocd checking type symptoms as well. Just felt really depressed last couple days whether it's the lockdown or adjusting to different dose don't know. About week ago did have couple days didnt feel too bad, but everything feels hopeless again now. The OCD horrible tried CBT, book, therapy you name it was really hoping meds would help. Cant go higher than 20 anyway because of age limit.
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marsh23433 Guest
Hi Lemanna/first by changing dosage on Citalopram from 5mgs to 10 mgs ,you will get side effects for at least 8/10 weeks .The medication will take time to build up another dosage. who says you cannot go up higher than 20 mgs,How old are you?.You see that you are not giving time enough for the medication to work .You did not stay on 5 mgs long enough.Give the medication time to build up in your system and then see how you feel
Guest marsh23433
I'm over 60 not recommended to go over 20mg for my age group Did do it gradually went to 7.5 then 10. Did swap to taking during day but will go back to taking in evening as seems increased anxiety. Thanks least gives me a bit more idea when should notice a difference. Did try CBT which was useless think maybe because it was chemically induced as was made go cold turkey.
Guest marsh23433
NHS site says if over 65 the maximum recommended dose is 20mg .
mhonipie Guest
Hi Lemanna
Sorry that your having a difficult time. I know you won't believe it but you will get better, it's still to early to feel the full benefit of cit. I have been taking them for over 20 years and always have same symptoms when starting reducing and increasing the dose. My symptoms (anxiety, low mood, no interest in doing things) and always think it's never going to get better BUT IT DOES. I found the breathing exercises help to ease anxiety and the senses CBT - 5 things you can see - 4 things you can feel - 3 things you can hear - 2 things you can smell - all whilst sat in the same place it helps divert your negative thoughts. Another I do is a think of a room in my house or another place and work my way through the alphabet finding items in that room place it can be challenging but helps me. This is a very difficult time for all of us at the moment especially those that have mental health problems. You will get better it just takes time.
Sending hugs xx
Hampton18 Guest
I know how you feel started cit nearly 6 weeks ago. The ocd/intrusive thoughts are horrible. I am told its our anxious brains fixating on random things. I hope this passes
Potatoghost Guest
hey Lemanna
everytime I increase I would get depression come back for about a week-2 weeks and it would eventually fade away.
I have seen so many people get depression for a week or two when changing dose even though they never had it to begin with but it does pass.
every increase in dose sucks for anxiety and depression but remind yourself it's only temporary and it will pass.
keep as busy as you can drink plenty of water and eat if you can stomach it as we all know they aren't so easy to do when feeling so hopeless.
keep going you got this! 💪💪
as for the age thing. they do prefer it if people over a certain age don't go higher than 20mg but I know a few people who have. I think it can cause more risks with your heart. I could be wrong but it's so minimal you would just have to have more checkups a few more times than normal. 20mg is a pretty descent dose so you might not even need that much in the first place. x
also I always feel worse in the first 6 weeks so 5 weeks is so early still. keep going you will start to improve but just remember that changing dose resets the clock so you're back on day 3 now. I don't say this to worry you but just so you don't give up too soon when they could work well for you x
toria_07298 Potatoghost
totally agree, every dose change is 8-12 weeks to settle, or if youre me a year haha
Guest Potatoghost
Thanks for that it's really helpful. Just got really despondent as last week had a couple of quite good days but last couple days felt really low and the OCD really racked up. Just felt 5mg too low to work long term so hopefully 10mg will kick in. As zopiclone withdrawal can take up to 2 years hopin once I've got through that will be able to gradually come off the citalopram so obviously 10 will be easier to come off than 20. I suppose because had over year with withdrawal symptoms from zopiclone just desperate to start feeling better. Leas gives me more idea when to expect some improvement.
Guest Potatoghost
As lot people seem to find improvement at 3 months do you think I should measure it 3 months from when I in creased to 10mg rather than when I first started? Anxiety still there depression not quite so bad, think lockdown making it worse, also tried reconnect with a friend, who stopped all contact while ago kept basically telling me to snap out of itthought current situation might make difference but just got blanked. Another 3 weeks this depressing. Have you decided what to do seems lexapro is a much stronger version of citalopram. Itried sertraline which was awful there do seem to be a few other SSRI's. Whatever you take some seem wor for one person but not for others
toria_07298 Guest
i think not many people are responding as its difficult time for everyone and theyre preoccupied, plus nobody knows how long it takes as everyone is different with a different story.
Mandoza Guest
sorry to hear u r suffering
look at the positive side, you have just reached 10 mg which is huge step amd u should feel ok within3 weeks in this dose. if not, then it is ok to go up with ur doctor to 20 mg as this is the dose for your age. i am sure u will be just fine soon and will look back on how u were and have a laugh on it.
i am on my 5th day on starting med and i feel awful .... but yeah i know i will be just as good as i were and this will just be history
Guest Mandoza
Thanks i took it at night last night and was bit better. The depression lifting a bit so hopefully eventually will help the OCD. The doctor left it up to me how much dose i take said had go up to 20mg if want have been pretty useless dish out tablets and get on with it. Does seem that many people can take up to 3months really improve.
Hampton18 Guest
Hi guys hope you are all well, i've been on Cit for 6/7 weeks now. Silly of me but I changed dosages which made me worse. I am now on 15mg and have been for a 3 weeks was getting better and my ocd came back 2 days ago. Its so scary and overwhelming at times. Will this improve? Any help please thank you
Guest Hampton18
What dose were you on that made it worse? I'll stick with 10 for moment. can't go hgher than 20 anyway.
Hampton18 Guest
Hi i'm on 15 at the moment 20 made me bad, just want this ocd thoughts to pass it so bad thank you
Guest Hampton18
Me too hope you soon level out. Another 3 weeks lockdown not helping!
Hampton18 Guest
Has your ocd eased ? I hope this passes
Guest Hampton18
So so how about you. Another 3 weeks of lockdown making me feel awful. Been so badly handled here as well.
Hampton18 Guest
Hope you are well. Feel likes hell I hope this passes and meds kick in. I know doesnt help. Badly handled?
Guest Hampton18
The whole corona thing been badly managed here in UK. Think making meds take longer to kick in as no idea when lockdown will be lifted.