Not in peri??!!
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Hi all,
so anyway had a doctors appoitment this morning, as I'm experiencing quite bad nausea?!!!
as well as other symptoms FATIGUE being another quite bad .......
anway doctor doesn't believe I'm in peri as I'm still having my periods?!!.
so anway he does think my fatigue being tired as well as nausea it could be Anemoa?
so I have to have blood works done to identify ? All he has given me is Busician ( an IBS tablets? So my being fatigued , nausea could be the cause of being anaemic?!
but very adiment I'm NOT in peri!!.
wasnt in any mood to argue tell him that hey this is my body I do know the symptoms and all the change I'm going now I have to wait till next Friday at the earliest for my blood to be done then again for the results and then again to see the doctor Again.
and to top it off I ha be an appoitment 10th June at the hospital as I have Hernia BUT the hospital have cancelled and will write back with another appoitment ....tick Tock ......hope ur day was better?!!.
had no energy till late this afternoon so know running around like a headless chicken finishing all the errands!!!.
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NonnieDD Shelly0069
Hope you get all your errands done.
sheena4572 Shelly0069
Sorry you're feeling so crappy and frustrated at doctors. I know your pain.
I began having symptoms in January, tiredness, nausea, change of cycle duration and periods much heavier, rib/back/stomach pains, constipation, warm sensation all the time, anxiety and tearful and not tolerating fools to well either haha. Anyway I went to doctors and got told the same as you and I've now had bloods which show normally everything, stomach and pelvis ultrasound again normal, internal normal, breast and back examination normal. I am now on my 3rd doctor who says I'm not peri and my muscle/bones pain is muscular and that I should go to gynecologist for periods and possibly do anti depressants for mood swings .I totally believe I am peri menopausal but how do you get a diagnosis with a doctor who doesn't have a clue???
Hope you get further than me with your bloods, keep us updated and don't let the hormones rule your life .I am determined to stay positive and not let it win. X
debbie75601 sheena4572
sheena4572 debbie75601
My periods have gone out of whack, was regular 28 days and normal flow and the last 3 months I've been really heavy with clots 23 days 25 days and this month 27 days but only on for 2 days really heavy.
All my tests have come back normal so trying to stay positive that it's just hormonal and will eventually pass and I'm just taking painkillers. I'm also taking multi vitamins, evening primrose oil, and menopace to try and help.
I hope you get sorted it's so annoying when so many people on here are saying the doctors don't understand which is disgraceful as it's their job. I think each practice should have a woman's speciality doctor or nurse who can advise and treat.
Big hugs x
Guest sheena4572
sazzie42 sheena4572
I am considering taking menopase, do you find that it helps. I phoned docs for blood results only to be told they are lost. Been told to take Norethisterone but not sure. Am waiting for appointment for womb and uterus check from hospital. The doctor did give me an internal and referred me to the hospital. Trying not to panic as that's not for 3 weeks. Have no energy today. I can't keep focused. Just crying the whole morning.
Let's keep positive.
Good to have this forum as hubby thinks I'm losing the plot but he does his best to understand.
Sam ( sazzie42) xx Chin up ladies xx
TropicalVon69 Shelly0069
jamie50513 Shelly0069
sazzie42 Shelly0069
I am in a similar situation regarding the doctors. They see walking in and wish to run out the exit.
I am waiting for the second lot of blood results and have s womb examination in a few weeks - it has taken me ages to get the doctor to send me for this. I am trying not to take anything till I know what it is.
I can understand giving medication but is it not better to know why? (Sorry had bad reactions and mis- diagnosis previoulsy so very scared of doctors). It's the anxiety and tearfulness and the low low feelings of despair that I am finding hard - for example - my husband and son cooked dinner last night - I had a fairly relaxed day tinged with the odd panic/anxiety.
Listening to the chatter I burst into tears, no reason uncontrollable tears springing into my dinner. Then I got all hot and bothered so I stood outside then went into panic mode of low thoughts then I could not shake it off for the rest of the evening!!
It's very well the doctors saying no no no its not - what is it then lol x
Keep me posted with your journey.
Big hugs
Samantha ( sazzie42)
Guest sazzie42
So_psyched sazzie42
sazzie42 So_psyched
I am just so fed up with the response from the doctors.
It's a little complicated as I had been misdiagnosed with kidney stones but unfortunately it was a bulging disc and after weeks and months to cut a long story short I had to borrow money for own mri and then epidural as the surgery I attend have a certain pathway for musculoskeletal which does not work so while this was taking place I thought my heavy periods and severe mood swings and depression was part of dealing with the medication for back but after doc took bloods at a and e referred me back to gp surgery to order more blood tests and to gyne department for a check on my womb. The a and e gave me mefenic acid to stop the heavy bleed and gp gave me norethisterone to take while I wait. Finding it hard to do anything xx
Dealing with back is one thing this on top is sending me round the bend.
Cheers for reading it really keeps my chin up as I'm about to lose my job due to back and being off for 6 months. Xx
fiona69095 Shelly0069
Peri is a relatively new term and not all doctors beleive in it yet.
You might get the tests done and find that there is something wrong, like the thyroid. But most of us on here have had to go through months of testing and looking like crazy idiots and they all ckme back negative. The up side is you get a full check up and know there is nothing major wrong.
My doctor is now convinced it's peri. But they have to do their duty and rule out other serious illness.
Hang in there. I know you might not like the contraceptive pill but you can ask to go on that and see if it helps.
CCinCal Shelly0069
I'm just starting my day now and it's 3:30 pm!
On my period now , first one off the BC pill, and horrendous fatigue everyday of period. Just wiped out. Feel so bad and guilty and unproductive.
yes I've been fobbed off now for 2years every doctor have said the same damned thing I'm to young and I'm still having my usual monthll'ys I'm not in peri blah blah blah.........
Many thanks anyway girls.......xx