Not my mother's menopause
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Just like everything else in this world has gone through some kind of "evolution," I think menopause has as well. I can't imagine our mothers and grandmothers having gone through menopause to the extent and measure that some of us are going through it or else I'm sure we would have heard about it. I mean think about it, back in their day we lived in a more holistic culture. A culture that cared for and nurtured people with natural cures rather than medicine. Doctors used more natural approaches to healing. The only symptoms our foremothers had to complain about were the heat flashes and weepiness. That is probably the most complaint they had which is why that is all the doctors are familiar with and therefore all their medical textbooks refer to.
Now here we are in this day and age with a litany of symptoms that doctors are unfamiliar with which has them thinking we are crazy. They are going by old textbook information. There has been a great change in the way menopause behaves.
But what has caused this great paradigm shift in our symptoms? I think it has a great deal to do with the pollutants we're exposed to today, the chemical process our foods are manufactured with and even the medications a lot of us are on and if you factor in any other stresses in our lives then it's no wonder we are going through it so rough. I honestly believe if my mother or any of our foremothers we're going through it like this, we would've heard about it. This is definitely not our mothers' menopause.
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metamorphed sharcerv52408
We are exposed to so many chemicals, in our foods, our cleaning products, even scented candles have been suggested as being oestrogenic. (that is not the correct term, but you get the idea!). Women did not previously have this much exposure to chemicals and it is messing us up.
I now have stopped using cleaning products and use white vinegar instead, no scented candles or air fresheners but unfortunately we have been exposed to it all for so long, and are we suffering for it, yes.
sharcerv52408 metamorphed
Zigangie sharcerv52408
My mum's side of the family didn't really suffer many symptoms. I don't know why I'm so unlucky.
I think another reason we wouldn't have heard all these complaints from our elders is because a lot of women were given HRT then.
It was not until the WHI study (USA) in the 90s and the MWS (UK) 2000 to 2003 that the scares about HRT began, these studies saw GPs take their patients off and women gave it up in droves. There were 66% less women taking it by 2003.
sharcerv52408 Zigangie
lennie45832 Zigangie
lennie45832 sharcerv52408
sharcerv52408 lennie45832
lennie45832 sharcerv52408
Zigangie lennie45832
Last few years neighbours both sides died from it another neighbour has it. Several of my husband's friends fathers have died from it and my daughters partners dad just after Christmas. One friend both parents.
They say it's inevitable because of the aging population but these people were not that old all around 60.
It also does not explain the increase in child cancers. It must be in our food or the air.
All you can really do is look after yourself as well as you can and pray.
I am lucky that no one in my family has had it but I'm not sure that means much.
Fairy28 sharcerv52408
nancy0925 sharcerv52408
sharcerv52408 nancy0925
lennie45832 sharcerv52408
sharcerv52408 lennie45832
Zigangie lennie45832
Mums mum had gall bladder and occasionally gout.
I do remember my mum having some shoulder problem, something I have had since September.
But I can't remember any of them being off their food always feeling sick like I have none had sleep problems and I don't think they had this fatigue. My mum was always out dancing every weekend. My great aunt stopped riding her bike when she turned 90!
sharcerv52408 Zigangie