Not sure if I should take Sertraline I've been prescribed. Advice please
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I've been prescribed 50mg Sertraline by my doctor for recurring depression and anxiety/stress. I've been offered anti-depressants on a few occasions before, but have chosen not to go down the route of taking drugs to help as feel very apprehensive about taking them. I've accepted the prescription on this occasion as it's clear my symptoms are worsening over time, and the effect my mood swings are having on my family is troubling me (and adding to the problem).
However, I've read a bit about the side-effects of this drug, through forums such as this and in the drug information leaflets, and have to say I'm terrified of taking them. The side-effects almost sound worse than the depression itself. It seems that this drug can actually make things seem worse in the short term, before things improve, and I'm not sure I'm comfortable with the idea of that. I'm also sceptical that my depression is severe enough to be taking anti-depressants at all. Each time I've spoken with a doctor about my depression/stress/anxiety they seem very quick to offer anti-depressants. Yet it appears these drugs can have quite severe side-effects. I almost feel like I've been prescribed them on a bit of a whim, iykwim?
But that said, it is true that I've spoken with GPs on numerous occasions about depressive/anxious behaviour, I've taken two courses of counselling and had time away from work for stress/anxiety. So there is a history here, and I do feel that depression, whether mild or more pronounced as it seems to be on this occasion, does punctuate my life. It also seems to be getting worse with each subsequent 'lapse'. But I'm still unsure if these drugs are the right course of action for me.
For the record, the GP didn't take any blood tests and on this occasion didn't ask me to complete the depression/anxiety test (although I did one myself last night and scored quite highly this time). I'm just wondering if there are other avenues that should be explored before committing to a course of anti-depressant drugs? We did, for example, discuss how there might be a hormonal link to my mood spirals - if it turns out this is a factor, are anti-depressants likely to work?
Sorry for the longer post and ramblings, but I'm confused and worried about starting on this drug. Just hoping someone might be able to share some advice/experience to help me decide on the best course of action.
Thank you.
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sparrow- Cedmc
hi everyone it was really good to read through this forum thread and read about people having the same issues, as you feel a bit less 'on your own' when you read and chat with other people having the same problems. i know this thread is a year old but maybe if anyone is still around you could give an update on how you are getting on and how u are doing?
for those worried about starting on sertraline, you dont necessarily have to start on 50mg, you could always start by taking half of the pill, so 25mg, for eg. the first week, and then move up to 50mg when or if you feel ready too (some people actually stay on 25mg, for example people who are sensitive to medication).
doing this should ease those troublesome startup side effects (by the way, upset stomach and diarrhea is extremely common when starting out on many different ssri antidepressants, such as sertraline). luckily that particular side effect DOES pass (often in a few days), for almost everyone (and for those where it doesnt, you can just switch to an alternative ssri antidepressnt if you wish)
a lot of people are hesitant to give meds for depression and anxiety a try, even though perhaps they just cant seem to have any luck or find a solution with alternatives such as diet changes, exercise, counselling, CBT, natural remedies, self help books, and so on. if you start with a really low dose, nothing majorly bad will happen, and of course, you can always change your mind (but as always, keep in touch with your doctor so he or she knows what is happening).
try to remember that if you had a different illness, such as a problem with another part of your body, and there was medication available from your doctor to help you, would you take it? i think most people would, so try not to pigeonhole depression and anxiety like it is some kind of 'embarrasing', or 'it's just me, it's not really an illness', or a 'not allowed to talk about or treat' type of illness.
in the past, mental health problems were often seen in that way, but we live in different times now, and there are lots of treaments out there including ssri antidepressant medications. try not to be afraid to give them a go, and because you are starting on a very low dose (such as 25mg), or the other popular starting dose of 50mg, and as i said earlier you can always come back off them if you find that you have changed your mind or you really dont feel well taking them. keep in touch with your doctor (plus you can also use forums like this one to document your journey and get advice etc)