Not sure if this is a normal side effect..
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Hey guys,
So I upped to 50mg 8 days ago (on 25mg for 3 weeks prior), and for perhaps the last 4 days I've had constant anxiety and brain fog all day. I just don't know if this is the normal course of side effects, or my body telling me they're just not working for me.
I've really important events coming up in the next week or so, and I feel completely inadequate to deal with them, given how I am right now. I'm just terrified that I'm going to still feel like this when I have to be at the top of my game.
Any advice would be appreciated
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vanessa45115 Samrock
The only advice I can give you is positive thoughts. Right now, you're experiencing anticipatory anxiety, you're worried about next week events. We all do it to ourselves, if I practiced what I preach to so many people I wouldn't be in the mess I'm in. 6 months on 150 mg and the past 3 days have been hell for me, thinking I will always be like this and my intrusive thinking is fierce.
michelle71710 Samrock
Hi samrock, how you doing? I'm on sertaline 2weeks today. 6days on 25mg and 8days on50mg. Im suffering at the moment too but it's a long way to go which I know but it's still so hard. I've had heightened anxiety since starting on the 50mg too. I hope you feel better soon.
Samrock michelle71710
I feel your pain michelle, I really do.
You know, I know psychiatrist typically don't tell you these side effects in order not to freak you out, but god! I wish they did. Then you could say to yourself "Ok, my doc told me this was going to happen, I can live with this" ...but then when you don't know WHY this is happening, it's just un-necessarily painful.
Part of me thinks I'm on the wrong dose, part of me thinks it hasn't kicked in yet, part of me thinks It's just not working for me at all..... *sighs*
michelle71710 Samrock
I know it's horrible but my doctor did say it'll get worse before it gets better, not what I want but as long as it works then I'm just going to try to get through it.
It's a long process but one I hope we will come out of.
What dose are you on now? They say is usually between 100mg and 150mg you feel the benefit but everyone is different. Stay stong
Samrock michelle71710
I'm on 50mg right now. The thought of going up another dose and having to wait a few weeks for new symptoms to pass is just a horrifying thought to me right now.
I hope the 50mg will be enough. If not, I guess I've another mountain to climb. I hope to god it'll be worth the discomfort. I'm glad you were given a heads-up on it being worse at the start. I had to find out online as my psych never mentioned it to me.
michelle71710 Samrock
I know but hopefully the side effects won't be as bad as your bodys getting used to them. I was on sertaline a few years ago and they really helped me and made me feel "normal" again. I can't remember the side effects being this horrible but I've probably blocked it out my mind. The thing that's getting me through this is I did get better last time but with anxiety poking it's head around I feel like I'll be stuck this way. You'll get through this, stay strong.
GodsServant Samrock
Remember, Sam, the side effect of going 50mg to 100mg is surprisingly easier on your system than 0mg to 50mg, because the med is already in your system.
Whats really annoying is not just side effects, but you wish there was an exact date when you knew the side effects would disappear and the med would start working. The worst is wondering if the med will work for you at all, or if you're just suffering the side effects for naught - that's the worse. If you knew for sure that you'd get better and that there was light at the end of the tunnel, then you'd wouldn't be so scared of the side effects.
This med has worked for me each time in the past 2 decades, but even this time getting on it again, I'd be a liar if I didn't tell you I was scared it wouldn't work again for me like it did in the past.
This is is where your faith comes in. You know, it wasn't until I got this illness that I grew closer to God , because frankly, I don't know how others go thru this illness without God because I wouldn't have the strength.
Keep the Faith.
michelle71710 GodsServant
Hi godsservant, this is my 2nd time on sertaline and I've been so scared it won't work for me this time and I'll be stuck like this! It really helped me last time but the side effects are rough. I can't remember them being like this last time, probably blocked them out. It's amazing you've got through it all xx
Samrock GodsServant
Thank you GS
I completely agree with you that you're torn between wondering "Is it working at all? Is the dose wrong and not enough? Is it working, but just taking it's sweet time?"....
There's so much riding on me getting better, because in order for me to really start to heal, I need to get out of my current environment (long story, but I'm in a terrible living situation right now), and in order to do that, I need a different job, and in order to do that, I need to have the ability to go through more interviews, which I'm barely functional right now to accomplish.
I think this is a complete and utter test of my resilience and internal strength. Everyday is a hellish experience and I just want it over and done with, but I know that patience and persistence is required of me now.
What's keeping me going is that I know my contribution to this world has yet to be fulfilled, and I know I'm destined to do great things. I'm glad that you find your drive in God. I find it in myself. How? I'm not quite sure
GodsServant michelle71710
Michelle, trust me, if it worked for you in the past it will work for you again! That's a good sign. Hang in there. Keep the faith. I pray for all of us on this board.
Yeah, my attack is so severe that whenever I go thru it I don't want to be alive, then when I am out of it, I am fine. I am now slowly climbing my way out of it. We will get there, one day at a time.
michelle71710 GodsServant
Thank you for your kind words godsservant. Anxiety is such a horrible illness. This forum has been a life saver for me, it's so good to know we're not alone and others know exactly what we're going through. I'm glad you are recovering again slowly but surely xx
GodsServant Samrock
GS - Hmm, I like that. I will sign using those initials.
One thing at a time. Remember don't stress yourself out with all those things. They all seem like major events. Like I want to quit my job but this is causing lots of friction in my relationship with my husband, not to mention this illness already caused a strain on our marriage.
I am still indecisive about my job. It's just a job, not a career, and I realized how much I didn't like my job when just this Friday my boss said he gave me a great annual review and recommended I get a raise, and although I should be ecstatic hearing this, I politely thanked him while my heart sank and I noticed I got a bit more anxious. You see, if he had said I did a bad job it would make quitting easier. I noticed sufferers like us, when we are well, tend to be go-getters with Type A personality, hence we are in this predicament, this illness.
After a lifetime of this, I am no longer driven. I just want to have peace and some happiness while I do my best to serve God by helping others.
Stay strong, GS
natalie99981 Samrock
I am a couple of years in on sertraline and feel amazing.
Just wanted to say that I found that side effects mean that the drug is working ... made me feel better to think like that. I had exactly what you describe but it does lift and you start feeling good really soon. Stick with it day by day.
michelle71710 natalie99981
Hi Natalie
I'm so happy seraline has worked for you and you have come out the other side.
Can you remember when the side effects got easily and when you started to feel more like you?
Samrock natalie99981
like michelle said, I'm glad it's working for you now!
I know everyone is different, but what were your worst side effects and how long did they last? I'm not that functional with my current side effects. Reassurance is a wonderful thing
natalie99981 michelle71710
I won't lie to you I felt quite awful on the 50mg at the 3 week mark and went up to 75mg then I reckon it was around 3 weeks till I was about 80-90% then after another couple of weeks I felt great !! Stick with it you will get there Michelle. I have now gone on sertraline 3 times unfortunately. I feel like I am all better after 6 months and go off it and then after 6 months or so ended up back on. I am sticking with it this time for a couple of years before I attempt going off it again .
michelle71710 natalie99981
Yes the side effects are pretty horrible, I'm just counting the days down. What where you side effects? Is your max dose 75mg? I was on sertaline a few years back for GAD and panic attacks and it really helped me and I got off them fine but anxiety and depression have decided to pay me a visit and it's horrible. I can't remember the side effects from last time I must of blocked them out! I'm glad they are helping you once again, I told my doctor I was scared that the meds wouldn't work for me this time so worried I'll be stuck like this. This forum has been a life saver, it's so good to speak to people who know exactly what your going through xx
GodsServant natalie99981
Natalie, you, you sound exactly like me. Unfortunately I had gone on and off this med prolly around 7-8 times. You'd would imagine I'd learn by now. Not getting off of it ever again. And I would think twice about reducing my dosage. This recent one was a bad one. I am 43, and if I stick on it and not get another attack for next 20 years I would gladly have God take me home in my early 60s to spare me from another attack. I am on 100mg now.
Just praying that this drug works for me for next two decades.