not sure what an aura is?

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Hi im 56 and i think on the downward side of menopause. Ive just started having intense dizzy spells. They only last a few seconds and afterwards i get a headache, not a bad one like a migraine but one that lasts quite a few hours. One doc says its vertigo, one says peti marl and one says migraine with aura. Can anyone explain what their auras are like, i have stated having 3 or 4 a day. Any comments would be appreciated. Thanks

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Maggie. Aura is visual impairment with or without a migraine. Mine look like a kaleidoscope and literally swirl around my eyes. I usually get in one eye then the other however my hubby gets in both eyes at same time. People experience vision loss, tunnel vision, double vision and flashing lights - not nice!!!!
    • Posted

      Hi Maggie, the dizziness you are experiencing is the fluctuations of hormones, almost like a jumping, off balance feeling.  It happens throughout your menopause journey.  It's a party you just wish would leave!  The headache is most likely from the fluctuations too, like a bad PMS bloat feeling in your head.  It truly sucks!!  Jamie

  • Posted

    I get zig-zag flashing lines! Told it is not a 'true' migraine but my neck that causes it. Don't care what you call it or what causes it, it is still a bugger - was going to say pain in the neck!eek

  • Posted

    Hi Maggie

    I was reading some posts and found yours.  I have the dizziness also along with headaches.  The aura can be anything that happens before the headache or you can have it without the headache.  I have what has been dx'd as migraine associated vertigo, its migraine or silent migriane dizziness, you can have the silent migraine which is what the dizziness is, its very confusing.  Mine started a year ago the dizziness did,I can have it usually before the headache starts, and on the days when there is no headache, it can last for days like a migraine, but I have the dizziness everyday in some form.  I have rocking/swaying feeling like I'm on a boat, falling feeling, leaning feeling, feel like I'm being push from the back when I'm walking, off balance when walking feels like I'm walking on a trampoline or like the floor is moving.  I can feel the dizziness thru my body not just in my head,  When I'm sitting I sometime feel like I'm floating up and down like on a raft, when standing I can feel like i"m falling backward, or swinging back and forth.  I have the headaches with neck pain and upper shoulder pain, I have worsenig anxeity when the dizziness is bad, I get depressed at times coz it goes on for days.  When it started it was on and off then it moved to constant, now its a few days on and few days off, sometimes i get a week of nothing.  

    If this sounds like what your experiencing you may want to see an ENT neurotologist, they can help.  There are meds but I don't take them, there are exercises that are specific to this, but a diagnoses should be made and they will send you what is called VRT therapy. 

    I'm in postmeno for 4 yrs now, I was going along ok until the dizziness hit.  My worse thing is the hot flashes and night sweats,  I can't stand them.  

    I hope you feel better and this dizzy stuff just stops for you.  

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