Not sure what to updose by. Psych wasn't too helpful..
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Hey peeps,
Just got back from my Psychiatrist today and I told him that I stayed on the 50mg, and didn't go any higher (he gave me a small updose schedule, 2 days inbetween updoses to 150mg)
When I upped from 25mg to 50mg, my anxiety sky-rocketed. Everyday constant anxiety, and no one can function like that. He believes that the 50mg just isn't doing the trick and that I should go up to 100mg (As 50mg is equivalent to 5mg lexapro..I was on 10mg of lexapro before and didn't do much for me).
I'm just not sure to go up to 75mg or 100mg. I've only been on 50mg for 11 days now. He pretty much left it up to me at this stage how I want to go about this. I don't think I'll be going back to him, as he pretty much dismissed my symptoms, hammering on about his previous clients being so successful! Ugh.
Anyway, what do you think? Make more sense to go to 75 or straight to 100? I know everyone's different, but I hate making these choices when awful symptoms are involved.
Thank you.
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michelle71710 Samrock
Hi samrock, I've been on sertaline for 17days now. My dr wanted to give me 50mg then upto 100mg after a week but I was scared too So I asked could I split it which I did. 25mg for 6days as my dr said no longer than a week on 25mg. Then 11days on 50mg. I go the drs next week and she'll probably ant to up my dose to 100mg but I'll probably do 75mg for a few days first especially after having the bad side effects. I would go with what you feel comfortable with. Where you side effects bad? Michelle x
Samrock michelle71710
Hey Michelle!
I decided on 75mg tonight. I felt that by weaning up a bit slower (even if it's only 3/4 days on 75mg before 100mg) that feels better to me.
My symptoms were and some still are brainfog, interupted sleep, de-realization, loose stool, hazy/spaceyness (which I think is still brainfog) heightened constant anxiety (after going up to 50mg). The last 2 days have not been as bad.
michelle71710 Samrock
Yes I'll be the same, it's such a big jump and unsure what extra side effects will get. I've had similar symptoms to you. Heightened anxiety, insomnia, loss of appetite, nausea. It's awful. What are you taking sertaline for? X
Samrock michelle71710
I have chronic Dysthemic Depression and GAD. My living situation got so bad that I just couldn't deal with the overwhelming emotions so I cracked and chose meds. I was so against doing them for ages, until feeling I didn't have a choice.
I don't plan on being on them long. You hear people being on it for 10+ years....that just feels so wrong to me.
michelle71710 Samrock
You poor thing, it's awful to go through isn't it. I didn't want to go on meds either really and I researched loads of things herbal & supplements and tried them but nothing really helped do the dr advised me to go on meds to help so I did. You'll have to let me know how you get on with the 75mg x
Samrock michelle71710
Sure, I can do that
You know, often times, it's not even some sort of medication or herbal supplement that is needed. You have to look at your lifestyle and see how much fulfillment you're getting. What experiences are you having? Where are your passions? What fills you with joy and happiness?
I often think that it's just having the courage to engage in activities that provide and promote healthy well-being. I know some people never leave the house, and they bombard themselves with all kinds of "cures" hoping to feel better. It's even more important to keep engaging in the world around you and find sources of pleasure to naturally boost your mood.
michelle71710 Samrock
Yes I definitely think that's true. I'm going through a rough patch in my personal life so that doesn't help with my anxiety and low mood. Hope your feeling ok? Xx