not want to leave the house
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OK theres been so miuch said about how the menapause is affecting us ranging from physical to mental problems, im asking do any of you ever feel like you dont want to go out anywhere, even somewhere nice! i dont think ive been out my front gate on my own for at least five years now, i only go out with hubby to the car, walk along to the bank, pop into a couple of charity shops then home, neighbors have commented about this to each other, whats my problem. going up mums tomorrow to stay for the weekend then home on Monday, love to see her and spend time with her but im glad to be home again.
4 likes, 33 replies
Bubbins susan556
Bubbins susan556
Not to the same extent, but definitely prefer to stay home more than I used to! I'm lucky though, as I've always loved sport and nature and being outdoors. Do you belong to any clubs? Maybe you could consider joining something you are interested in and see how that goes? You mite be pleasantly surprised ☺️Xx
Trevis susan556
Bubbins Trevis
jayneejay Trevis
fig 😄. Made me chuckle
jay x
sprohop Trevis
Trevis sprohop
marlene21102 Trevis
Trevis marlene21102
marlene21102 Trevis
I go in my local small supermarket,say 3/4 people in there I'm happy with that ,as know time I get to check out there be next to no line .Stupid it truly sounds. But I know you understand when it's an on going issue ,we both would love it gone ,or got this balance looked into ,I'm looking into hydrochloride acid for Eustachian tubes ,just someone with tinnitus and Eustachian blockage brought it up ,never know may help my rhinitis .
Glad your mate lives close by ,give you a break to go have a natter ,like me I have a cousin just a few roads away ..
I'm with you in the standing chatting to people ,exactly me ,when I see cousin in her home she knows my probs as I do hers so it's good in a way Travis ,we both understand how it is for each other ,she's a good soul to .
Well another week all got through .Cant believe how big a problem this is to loads of people but WHY .Wonder if there's one thing in common that we've had ,or done that's brought this about ,but penny not dropped .
You be careful ,keep taking your dog out ,maybe all be gone as it came .
we can but wish it xxx
jayneejay susan556
Became a recluse, didnt want to go out, and had a feeling of impending doom, like something bad would happen, and anxiety..
it can take over if you let it, so try and go out ..
once you do you wonder why you didnt and actually enjoy it ..
jay x
donna38794 jayneejay
Tazchurch susan556
shaznay96184 susan556
Funny you should mention this subject, as I only said a couple of hours ago to my husband that I haven't been out much this week (alright, we were out at the time!). But I think my experience of this is more 'I can't be ar*ed' rather than I lack confidence etc.
I have to say that I spend so much time with my husband (we ran a business together for 22yrs until 18mths ago) other people wonder how we've managed to stay married for 31yrs!. One thing I have noticed tho' is that I only really feel confident when I'm out with him on a night out, say. I'm not a drinker/dancer etc, so never really go out with a group of women (lost a good few friends due to studying and working so bloody hard, I now realise
), but I do prefer to be with him in mixed company.
Having not had to work for the past 18mths, I mentioned to me sister that I feel like I've lost a bit of confidence generally, since I'm out of my very busy work environment. She also said it was probably the peri that wasn't helping. I'm inclined to agree.
I think I'm definitely with Bubbins with regards to joining a club of interest. You talk about charity shops: I'm not sure if you work? My eldest sister is a 'young 71' and volunteers at a charity shop. She's the 'timid' one of us 5 sibs, and also has a few mental health issues in later life (hence my hatred of SSRIs!!) so uses volunteering as an opportunity to make new friends. It works really well for her: gives her social interaction a couple of mornings a week and has broadened her social life greatly.
I wonder if you should have a chat with your GP because 5yrs is a long time to have felt like this.
Maybe if you felt like it, next time you see your neighbour you could mention you're feeling a bit cra**y, thanks to the cra**y menopause. I'm sure they'll soon start to understand how you're feeling.