Notice bottom of legs turning dark
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Hi ladies has anyone dealt with bottom of legs around ankle area and below calfs turning brown....wondering what would make this suddenly appear......also ankles are swelling when I've been standing for long periods of time. But the swelling isn't bad at all but I've notice when I'm on my feet it's mostly one ankle..
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katyD211 treasa1069
Hi Treasa...
yes! I have had ankle swelling...yes indeed. Scared me, thought it was heart related because i also have high blood pressure. But doc said no, heart is good, pressure is controlled, and to watch salt, sugar intake. I began to notice the more i move (walking, exercising) the less they swell. When it is really humid is when i notice it the most, and at end of day. I teach so I'm on my feet all day. But after an hour workout and a mile walk they go down.
I've also noticed brown patches below my knees and around my ankles. Doc said we'll watch but he believes its hereditary and age related but i cant see dermatologist because the world is closed!!
katyD211 treasa1069
Hi Treasa...
yes! I have had ankle swelling...yes indeed. Scared me, thought it was heart related because i also have high blood pressure. But doc said no, heart is good, pressure is controlled, and to watch salt, sugar intake. I began to notice the more i move (walking, exercising) the less they swell. When it is really humid is when i notice it the most, and at end of day. I teach so I'm on my feet all day. But after an hour workout and a mile walk they go down.
I've also noticed brown patches below my knees and around my ankles. Doc said we'll watch but he believes its hereditary and age related but i cant see dermatologist because the world is closed!!
katyD211 treasa1069
Hi Treasa...
yes! I have had ankle swelling...yes indeed. Scared me, thought it was heart related because i also have high blood pressure. But doc said no, heart is good, pressure is controlled, and to watch salt, sugar intake. I began to notice the more i move (walking, exercising) the less they swell. When it is really humid is when i notice it the most, and at end of day. I teach so I'm on my feet all day. But after an hour workout and a mile walk they go down.
I've also noticed brown patches below my knees and around my ankles. Doc said we'll watch but he believes its hereditary and age related but i cant see dermatologist because the world is closed!!
debra16694 treasa1069
hi there - i have been battling with "swelling" inflammation of my legs basically from knee down - its like i retain water from there down, but not like when you are pregnant swelling - i have also had cardiac exams for all my other "freak out" episodes with menopause, so i believe my heart is good - i am also on B/P RX & i got taken off a RX that actually did make my ankles & feet swell - My swelling is more around knee area, in fact i have developed pockets of fat below my knees that came on overnight - i also get this burning in the front of my calves that makes my skin look darker - i think its like the capilaries coming alive - all i know is hormones affect, our nervous system, circulatory system & bloody everything - if you havent had your heart checked, maybe now would be a goid time, but i am sure its hormone related - google menopause & achy joints - it even says that our hormones can cause inflammation in our legs & feet - try not to worry -
DearDoe treasa1069
I know you can get skin darkening with insulin resistance and diabetes, especially in the legs. please see your doc about it and let them decide.