Notice my inner elbow swollen

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hi ladies

i just noticed that my inner elbow looks swollen but not bruised. anyone else got something like this with Menopause? it feels bruised when i touch it and there is a small amount of pain to make feel sick to my stomach.

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11 Replies

  • Posted

    OMG yes. Mine have done this for almost three years now, but it still drives me crazy!!

    • Posted

      Shannon have you had an ultra sound done? i was told to take Advil since it is an anti inflammatory.

    • Posted

      I never had an ultra sound done. They said to take ibuprophen and an acid reducer for your stomach if you take frequently.

      I am so tired of going to the doctor for these things, and so scared not to!

  • Posted

    I'm wondering if it's the same thing I'm experiencing. I have had a tender elbow for about 1 month now. Hurts when I move my arm certain directions...feels like tendonitis. Quite painful.

  • Posted

    I've been back and forward to dr with sore elbows/arms. seen physio who eventually gave me cortison injection in left elbow. he told me I had both tennis and golfers elbow.

    didnt help and pain persists. it wakens me from sleep and I can hardly move them. is it yet another crazy menopause thing. I'm on hrt

    • Posted

      do you golf or play tennis? i dont😕 just when i got over frozen shoulder. i think it could be my coffee intake. i have a coffee every morning and evening. i had stopped for a bit when i found out caffeine is linked to frozen shoulder

  • Posted

    mine used to hurt for about 2 years, so much so that when i went to bed i had to have a pillow under my elbow to soften the pain, sometimes that didnt even work. At the same time my hips & legs were also in severe pain. I went oh HRT tablets after having a blood test & being told i was in Peri. With no word of a lie, after just 2 weeks of taking these tablets my pains in my hips/legs & my elbow disappeared. I was like my old self of over 2 years ago. Maybe you need a discussion with your GP to see if its hormone related? Good luck.

    • Posted

      hello, rachel! i am malina and i have the exact same pain as you described. i ll have a doctor appointment soon and i would like to be prepared for it. what hrt tablets started to take. i have a shoulder pain, my left inner elbow swollen, arm pain, armpit area in pain, left breast bigger and in pain and fingers pain. i had pains all over, but for the last two months i am only struggling with the left part of my body. all my blood tests and ultrasounds looks fine, but i am in terrible pains, as i am having a constant severe flu, my joints and muscles are killing me. help! please, i ll be grateful for any advice or lead. Happy New Year and i hope i ll find one day we all survived the pain and this awful experience.

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